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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Davi nreux, eldest danghter of Lord Hereford. At Ma lock, Mr Cooke, of Cpvent Garden Thentre to Mi-; -'sale-op, of the ame theatre. At - Thomas. Ur n-, Xsq. nephewr to Lord N k- borough, to ' Rigilt Hon. L:r',y Chelrlotee E I- I srse, a hte -4 tlle Earl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mi m been inade at the ofile of the BInk of Scotlanr. as! r. We hear the Theatre opens here on Saturdav, under the diredion of Mr Hamilton, maiiagerof on. of 'the Montrose Theatre. Several performers it N. id seems are to be addedidto his present company ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ogilvie, daughter of John Ogilvie, Esq. of 1- Argy.-strcet. At London, Mr 11. Siddods, of li Covent Garden Theatre, to Miss Murray, of the d same Theatre. 0- : DIED.' At Glasgow, John Findlay, Esq. Capt.-Lieut. in the Royal corps of engineers. At Woodside ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... till theperiod expired.: Died at Preston, 'in Lancashire, on Thursday Ithe ith of November, Mr. James Bannerman, late ofthe Theatre Royal, Edinburgh. lie ded i in consequence ofa wound he received in the thigh,- while performing a part- in the farce of Kotzebue ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... being a period of r 24 years. e On Tuesday, at his holuse in Leith Terrace, much regretted, Mr. William Woods, late of rthe Theatre Royal. Mr. Woods perfo mcd for several years on the Edinbiirgh stage, both nrq Tragedv and Coined'l, xvith' great applause ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... accom pished young: dg i the proter - of t!he Countessof Ely, in her a2d year: she was se ized .with a fit Itt Drury Lane Theatre, aiid expired next morning. At Dover, Mr -Smith. What iaptain in the Guard, by his valoulr, twice saxed thie prsent Duke ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the vessel struck. We have had much pleasure in observing, I s some time past, the improvements which goilig Onl in our Theatre, and *which, by tl ii beralitv of Mr. Beaunmont, the Manager, ?? fair to render it one of the most elegani hol t' its size ...


... being not only eb'h - d, but ander debt, the generous aid of t pub is solirreld. We are happy to I ar, that the imp' re in the Theatr- are now ncarly crl-> ., anp l thait the Comnpany are looked for dl.,- i various decorations of the house are in i f. i beauty ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mr Arkwright, second son of . hc late Sir Richard Arkwright, to dissi Kem- bic, daughter of Sterhen Kemble, Esq. of the Theatre Royal. At -, Captain Robert Dudley Oliver, Of the Roval Navy, to Miss Saxton, daughter of Sir Charles Saxton, Part. Cominissioser ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mon- tolieu, of Broughton, brother to the banker of that name. He Sad just stepped.fiom his. car- riage, to enter Astlcy's theatre, when he dropped down, and expiled in less than a quarter of an hour. At ditto, Mr Payne, cheesemonger, Holborn Bridge. He ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS- At Edinbntgh, Mrs H. Johnston5 of Covent- Garden Theatre, a daughter. At Rossie Castle, Mrs Ross, a daughthr. At-, Viscountess 8oyle, a daughter. At The Lady of the IHon. C. Grey, M. P. a son. -MARRIED- At Edinburgh, John Thatcher,.Esq. oFDorer ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the Prardor,. On the night between Monday and Tuesday Y se'ennight, a Garden at the back of Masishal- if street, next the Theatre, was stripped of a large quantity of clothes. The print of a man's foot about i3 inches long, was visible in several parts ...