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London, England


London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... the Numibers which are publillied dur- ing the firnt Six Months., Comnmunications and Corr&trtions Ihould be addrffed to Mr. Thomas HuIt, No, 32, Paternofter- ro3w, London. I -WENTY-SIX Y8EARS fuccefsful treatment wsri1I If . peak more than everi the molt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... day no Propofal will We re- ecived. Signed by Order, WM. J. HOMAN, See. THEREAS the Partnerfhip hitherto carried on by ' us, THOMAS SlLVEiTER and WILLIAM KNIGHT, of Great Windmill-ftreet, in the Parifh of Saint james, Wcftminlter, in the County of Middlefex ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? james Curry, M.D. . Brovwe . S. Wcfley A. P. Cooper W. Reed, . , Banks Richard Saumarez T. F. Vandercorn r. Hofegood Thomas Hardy . L. lewis ?? Wred - J. A. Gillham, P. Bird WIV. Saunder;, M.D. . C. Saunders . 1. Lairn W. Babington,_M.D. 1.ones W. Miller ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Of Lsns!; Cse Flo)wers, &c.-Addrefs 'at Mrt. Urel- ses .!tier6, CCcv'itry-hts'eet, iPuccaclilly. ACADEMY Gu ,RsNsEY.-Rev. THOMAS jil'U, A. B. receive into Fausily 'welvc Yousng , .u tirndcr ti yeses of age, as PARLOUR BOAKID- l-cy ',s'ill have tlse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s and Oococuildiicii it)di ?? Ci'' Iip Othie'Cic na rtiA clhefs. jofil di \ on, 3evlc (,ent, I Oc' i R01 ;I-JeS cd Ocorgt Hardy, who quits a't Alchachima, i t, y, ',-1e'fc Rental One 'Ihoufarid live Hundred and -it vI S ii'h aiI t tit e'xpirai'ion ofi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cnapbell Erj. deccaled; Slitd bry Lands of d BcrEalt'ifle, L sq.aid thei Heisra f John Byrcs, El.i decca- ed ; Eait by Lands of 'Thomas Iairbairn,.Elq. and Dodhor Young, and Welt by utnappiopriated Iands, and Lands of lMerfis. Robinfou and Douglas, or however ...

Advertisements & Notices

... price so, in boarsa Newv Edition, being~ the Sceond, of, rmIrE-BRIT1SI G -i k RDEN' A 1Dcferiptee Ca- t .1 t-al'guc of' HARDY PLANT'S; Indigence.i tie slilvatedl inl the Clinmtce of Greeit Britain. Weith their Ge cic- 'fiditi-pci- fie, Chu'rae'taes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... other - cf fold together 0 guineas. 1hef y r- wvould be-a molt u'fue Pai~tt any (Gert-icisin 'goi'9~g a- ohsuey; e- laeing hardy devils chat no'whsrk. can. 5itrt.--To be fe~er at 's Groom's Livery Stebics, fOxfbrd--road. _ SADDLE or CHAISE HORSE. TO be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Heaths, Waltes and Commonable Wood Lands, and Grounds, withintthe Parifli of Croydon, ?? this arthi day ofSeptenmber, ifo2. THOMAS PENFOLD, Solicitor, Croydon. CIl IY ROAD. - NOTICE is Hereby -Given, Irhat application is N iltctnrde to be made to Paarlment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Piddington, two mnilcs from Biceter. finttiter particular and catalogucis may be bad of the Atuc- ttonecr. in Pieceter ; IvIeffs. Hardi*g and 1iill, Dry-Salters; tucribith-, !,cndon; and the Principal Inns at BVteete, OY- QJ :3 Wbnl. dOWlJC, AykE;UrR}fl~&uckii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... acres of arable and pallure land, in Little Gaddefdln, Great Ga'defden, Studham, and Edelfborough, in the occupa- tion of Thomas Bucktborpc, and other tenants at will, at old low rtnts, which are capable of an immcdiatc and very confide- rable improvemrnt ...


... Chncery, rmade in a Caufe wherein Tsiomais LEAcH 15 Plaintiff, and SARAh HARtYV, Widow, is Defendant, thie ?? of George Tickner Hardy', late of Southgatej in the County of Middlefex, and of Auftii-s-friks, in the City of Lon-. pon, Gentleman, deceafed, who ...