... spoke the Margt- i ret, of Peterhead, from Leith to Halifa%, out ffiur week§i- I On 90th tilt. oiff Bantry bay, spoke the ship Thomas and Ma- i ry, No. 270, Isabella, Trent, tand Wilson transports, from Gibraltar, with the 6ith regiment, out twenty-five days ...

Yorkshire Lammas Assizes

... cbrnmmittedi 6burglary in the hiouse of George Andrews -of S~tineqeoet.-G-trgeo Moat charged *tth having feb'- aioitliy -stop'ed Thomas Roddi' of -Whisfon, and robbed hir'ofF a-ilver watch.-lWIn Eli,, alias tDaghty, charged. with havirg broken into the dwve ...


... John Frnserl keeping the witness in avent in Gayfield 'Square, for two hours. The deceased was undermost and was sleeping. f Thomas Martin, another young boy of six- teen years of age, in the employment of John Riddelf, chimney sweeper, was servant with ...


... produced at the bar I as the person who so employed him, hot the porter was un- able to identify hie person hy any other witness. Thomas lnne,, shoem aker, was committed to Bridewell for l0 days, for an assault of a niost outrageous nature upon a young wom an ...


... pro- ti tested ihey never should have moved in the un- II fortunate affair but for Bacon and lirandreth.- i 'I'hey blamed Thomas Bacon more particularly, :.ntl said they considered him as the author of A all tbe mischief. Turner had been with Bran- dicth ...


... which you have been supported. I am sorry for the sake of your more honourable countrymen, that you should thus disgrace the hardy rice from which you sprung. Your conduct has. been most infamous, and nmerits exemplary pu- nishment, The LoRD NIAYron said; ...


... netwitliatanding the earnest adm~onition of the Common Ser- jeant, and the entreaties of Mr. Browvn, Keeper of Newvgate, arid Mr. Hardy, Clan:s of the Papers, be declared he should not amend lii: plia, adding, that he felt it impossible to do so. His obstinacy ...


... IT TMoorminrin, at Portserur anti 'stealing as copper tea- -e :rkettle, &c.-Deathr.le ELI~ZA WINNs, for hissing assaulted Thomas Chatles !r tharena, at Portssmoutht, atid ataking fross his person a lie .1 gold watect. &c.-Deathi. pll ilrrTuomAS JACOBSn ...

Yorkshire Lent Assizes

... priTheer . received.;entenc of deth in the order rithwiich we name 'Y them :-Matthew Fodd, burglgry..j Johtt itiherwicli, e. and Thomas Wilson, siealiag iI xt dwellin ghouse to the value of 40s.; Robet Kirby 'Daii Elt'ley, a Ls Joseph MMatichester, for ahee ...


... the property, as has been before sotated. ' Tw-t letters of Mark 'Nobc,-thir firtiaer-steward-, adihessod to tule late Mr. H~ardy, Solicitotr, were read, fut ithe- rpseo showingthe matiner i hi elti tile tiegocir.-- lion. as coducted ti itheintentimon ...


... and was conveyed from tile bar in an rppa- rently fainting state, ROBEsT' lrlAic2N, Si, was indicted for robbing his master, Thomas Ruddy, of a quantity of soap and other articles. Guilty, but recormaiended to mercy on account of his former good character ...

COURT OF KING's BENCH, Saturday, Nov. 7

... the property of 'Sir Thomas B!ackett, and forrnmrd part of what ivas-called his Wibsey estate. T he plaintifi, as his'devises, now claimed the same; the defendant committed the alleged trespasses as the areent -of Jarrett and Hardy, who wvere engaged in ...