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... plenty. RATUttOInltAn.-The martyrs of Rathcorrmac didr more to settle the Church question than Lord J. Ruhssell and all the Whigs to boot. Gore ArstOnRACtnv.-The Aristocracy of England, in respect to pedigree, are thie most contemptible body of Aristecrats ...


... course were adopted,'tlre result must be favour- able (applause). Let them not forget that ?? Whigs, or rather ttre Whigs and Mongrels united, and calling ?? Whigs, I ihad the impudence to assume to themselves the power of return- ing the two Mlembers for ...


... this poor widow, but cannot prevail, T'o &a.It i.i the workliouse on Rlichmond's grand scale; ?? the Scottish, Malthusian, Whig dietree.-(dietary)- (tn Lennox's Nectar* and skilligalee. lie age of this widow is threescore and ten, Iler piivations I cannot ...


... %ritten, and interesting.-I tslulciber ?? is much ado about nothing.- The article upon Sir William F3ol1ett is written by a Whig. in the purest spiritof malevo~dace-sqnei as 'men display when they are apprehensive tbat the goo4is diey have stolen are about ...


... base anrd 'mean; Veels andassertl hiscountly'sglor ?? And rails at treacherous Whig or Tory;. ilenemer what you we'e yourself So'me twenty years ago; * You truckled not to Whig or Guelph, You boldly.railed at'I'ory.pelf, 'And felt for England's woe: 'Tho' ...


... thenorth atarto the popular cause uatledarkestjghlts, to guide it onits way; butt the -Einbur1h completed its work as soon as the Whigs cavue in power. the We stnmioetdr hlis ddsse some. service to the, popular cause; and would have done more, had it been written ...


... 13, 1836. 'TIHOMAS SUTI'ON. ;, Jarnes-buildings, Mark's-hill, Walcot. A PARODY ON THE LITANY. chott Whigs antI Tories good Lonl deliver us. [The Whigs are hypocritical andil treacherous. The Tories are honest enemies but determilned to destroy tie liber4ies ...


... POETRY. trust not for freedom from the Whigs They have a Chief, who buys and bes. M/kabr the Pro our deep grave digs- With RadIcals your one hope divells. But Tory firce and Whiggist fraed, Wi. snap all hope however broad. How good and pleasant must it ...


... happy to see that hie is as tired of whlat has been called the J'Vktig-Radical Union as ourselves. He says- In what has the Whig-Radical union-if union it may be called-profited thle cause of reforro in the past session? That is the present question. Ilas ...


... conduct, is one of them, and must participate in their repute. We rejoice in the palpable evidences of evil-mindedness the Whigs have exhibited. Junius has well said, that we owe it to the bounty of Providenee that the depravity of the heart is sometimes ...


... following, for instance, as a proof in point' If I be to judge from the language of your manifesto, you mean to push on, as the Whigs did, the whole of this system, which cost the industrious anti laborious peeple of this country about SEVEN MILLIONS OF POUNDS ...


... will not support this either. 111. The People demand the abolition of the Corn Laws. The Ministers refuse this :* and the Whigs, as a body, are strongly suspected-and we fear justly-uf being opposed to this righteous and equal measure; which, however ...