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... a publication of so much talent and fixedness of purpose should have recognisedl, without any of the mental reservation of Whig- gism, the axiom, that The People are the only legitimate sources of government. The political articles of the present number ...


... reform ? How far behind Ricardo was Mr. Huskisson, in political economy ? How far are Lord John Rus- sell and the whole race of Whigs, behind Mr. Bentham in parliamentary reform. We speak not of the extent of the reform, but in the knowledge of the princi ies ...


... This I know too well. The earth may open soon and swallow me: Then I shall be forgotten, or perhaps be curst By every man-whig, radical, and tory. Well -shall I change my politics; and thus Risk all upon a chance? VWho knows but that In these eventful ...


... for the purpose of effecting the return to parliament of honest and able men, it is impossible to describe the rage of the Whig and Tory lords and ladies. The manufacture of members of parliament had been so long an ex- clusive monopoly in the hands of ...


... could they but have their way, Upon their legs for ever. Our song -is tung :-if asked to own Our party, we would answer, none- Whig, Radical, or Tory-; We rank ourselves among the friends Of those, who scorning private ends, Seek England's weal and glory ...


... nephews, and sons, Filling place by dozens. Thinks .1 to mjself, Here's a lesson for me, This man's but a sample Of what the Whigs be. But thanks to my friends Of the Radical creed, Who taught me betimes, Mill and Bentham to read. ...


... eIee6eitn hee I'u-pr, ofmpetition the, ge newof thle f4Q ders R and though two: thrl o:thei W at:eisosie es weire attachie A 'the Whig interet, onWeyadbeaUnitnrm Y, rtu Me& to eah arlaent, o peaees'fe gauthe pesce of te ,hcounit~y;?1..;;i: ' ...

The MONTHLY MAGAZINE, for January 1832

... lions at Old Drury As tame as Mister Bunn ; While Cholera plays its rigs. (I wish the foreign brigs Had brought it to the whigs In the year thirty one.) 'Neath London Btidge who steers, Feels something like my fears, And trembles for the peers -Ah me ...


... trade-the riots at Bristol, Nottingham, and Derby, are all dwelt upon, as the results of the Reform Bill, brought forward bv the Whig Government. That these assertions are manifestly absurd, it would be a waste of time to show ; every one must recol- lect, ...


... power, or Mansfield's pride, Or venal Lyndhurst, sc'rn'd on every side; Irn-pite of Vane,t Don Xujxotte of the age, Witji .Whigs or ;odwin ls rpanting to engage; Iri rpite of Dawson, prompt to roar and rave. Or Goulburn, weeping o'er corruption's grave: ...


... ninil:lievoeus results that reeoli ?? to tile worhlig ildsCOS fromn th)e (IL(ealOns Which Sette peracins are lanborkll(IY so-whig ?? themn nll thlcir mindtem, The poerm will dthitt- less excche gcmt [t-eldiclao. Thre following pamige, evblclig 110 mainl ...


... combat too, His eye glows like a fuse. For made he was by mighty Mars Of very fierce components, To scare the hearts of gentle Whig And Radlcal opponents. Upon Ilis neck a bullet rests. Which bears this single billet, I ready am to meet you, Sir, At any place ...