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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... monster meeting. Still a consider- able portion of his ancient influence had not yet passed out of 81 his hands, and-when the Whigs once more came into office he was la restored to the commaission of the peace, and exercised no6 small i authority over ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... H. Bontiuck, M.P. for North Notte, to Lady Howard do Walden, and to Lady Charlotte Denison, the wife of Mr. E. Denison, the Whig M.P. for Melton. He lied one unmarried sister, Lady Mary. Lord George completed his education at Christ Church, Ox or and served ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TlE LATE VISCOUNT MIELBOURNE, (Fropt thc Pairioe.) A political pupil and admirer of Fox, %,rd adel- bourne always ranked as a Whig, and hal ?? credit, IN ith thosc who knew him best, of hollking views and opinions iu advance of those of b11 political aesociates ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... leerage it the age of' 32. II, 1113('Z Nhel 1Earl Qre' losh office. Lord Ascli ri d, as one of tile leadinig n tiers of the Whig i party, was offered the appolin tmeint of ule al'residenit of the Beavd of ''l':radtiO d Master of tbe Mlnt, withl a seat ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... stronger among s. Cavaliers tbtan asasong the taoudhelad3 of the seventeenth cen- , tury, among the Tories rather than among the Whigs of the eighteenth. It is, and ought to be, a subject of just pride and so exultation among the Army of England, at the present ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to be Master of thu Horse to the Queen. It was stated at the time that Lord Howe was a more uncompromising opponent of the Whig Minister than Lord Denbigh ; tbat his holding an cffiies so dignified as that of Lord Chamberlain to her Majesty seemed at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... se, and Sir Robert having, therefore, He echoed to form an Adissinistratiosi, was emcee niore in oppe- no. tion, and this Whigs carried on the Govensinsent until ut? 841. The evesits in Sir Robert Peel's life since that tisise we -e too recesit to need ...