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DERBYSHIRE FREEHOLD J.AM) SOCIETY. Till I>l ill 1 I>EUIIY MEltl'l KV. Sir—lf ever tin was a time when the Whigs

... as the conduct the Whigs has outraged all public decency, and forced many from their ranks with disgust. know that many parties who have been stanch supporters of the Whig cause, declare nothing shall ever induce them vote for Whigs any more. My only wish ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... various acts of the Whigs since they b ad come ?? office, I felt that I could as soon have suffered myself to be cut to pieces, as to give my vote of confidene In such a set of men. (Much cheering.) Why, gentlemen, did not the Whigs denounce in the strongest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of politicians to which the late Clerk of the Peace and Mr. KENNBDY belong, have been in progress. The effects of ten year whig-radical and liberal misrule and misgovernment has been to produce a state of things so troublous, dis- jointed, and alarming ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... various acts of the Whigs since they had come iuto ofice, I felt that I could as soon have suffered myself to be cut to pieces, as to give my iote of confidence in such a set of men, (Mach cheering.) Why, gentlemen, did not the Whigs denounce In the strongest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and two years afterwards was returned for Carlisle on Whig principles. His abilities soon became apparent after he entered the House of Commons, and he was deemed a great acquisi- tion to the Whigs, a political party then hourly gaining strength in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of Com- mons as member for Winchelsea in 1826. Lord Howick, as be was then known, like his father, was a member of the old Whig party, then in a somewhat forlorn and hopeless condi- tion. He speedily distinguished himself as a bold, if not. a very brilliant ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... liberal and republican innti- tutions by a visit to America, Captain EIrall laid preceded her and set her the examplo of a Whig of W'higs turned Toey by a visit to Liberty's head-quarters; and Thomas oore himself, though he didi not roturn from America un-~higged ...