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ate for Mad Tom of Canterbury, and lodgedPT'— or have been handed over to the tender honest 'Whig judge and

... ate for Mad Tom of Canterbury, and lodgedPT'— or have been handed over to the tender honest 'Whig judge and jury, and sent heep ° 8,1 with John Frost and his solitary coKip ail ; . seas, for life. ® e Jon'd A litlle onward, John Knox was again sum appear ...


... in the theatre. The Whigs ta and 'Tories were arranged on different sides, men and m women. The play written by a Whig author; the u: prologue by a Pauist (Mr Pope), and professed friend di to the Tories; and the epilogue by a Whig physician, e viz. Dr ...


... roaring pack abroad, Of mad, unmuzzled lions, As Queensberry buff and blue unfurled, And Westerha' and Hopeton hurled . To every Whig defiarce. But Queensberry, cautious, left the war, T' unmnanner'd dust might soil his star, Besides, he hated bleeding; But ...

books sent to bis cell. These were a source of great consolation to Andryane, and a still great joy awaited

... be had taken his stand. (To be concluded in our next.) The Seven Stages of Whiggery. The public world’? a stage, And all the Whig officials merely players, They have had their salaries and their patronage, And each man in his turn played many parts, Endured ...


... come before your Majesty To give yoa information, That 'tis your high -- prerogative, In governing the nation, To turn the Whigs adrift, and to Supplant them by tho Torieq- By Lyndlhurst, Peel, and lVellingto, The authors of our glories. This excellent ...


... of the citizens with the Whig party had remained unbroken, but there uwere evident symptoms of restiveness on the par. of, the forner. They had no absolute objections to urge against the candidates offered to them by the Whigs, bout they complained that ...


... couldn't ake out what it all was about- Any more than the Grand Old Man, Ho, ho ! Any mtore thaty thr Grand Old Nan. Then the Whigs took it up and moved stumping abroad, In a terrible fuss to maintain Tbst the great Manifesto was what they adored, Whilst ...


... rather have seen Mrs. Fletcher in a box at a theatre than have seen Mrs. Siddons on the stage of the same theatre. She was a Whig, and long a widlow. She i married for love of. what marriage is said seldom to give-liberty. Her husband, Archisiald Fletcher ...


... ?? And privilege siffers a gross uiiminution, th For nothing is safe tram these Wiigs, - he 5 I r These Whigs; Cli 0. nothing is sacred from Whigs I tb They ruired the landlords through Peel, .ha And Tbrcugh Peel - * And they' ipdered the farmers a-de ...


... Religiobuand loyalty always their theme, * Ah l who woold suppose the) could plot or blaspberne. With strange perseverance the Whigs have been long In argument right, but in policy wrong; Nor will they succeed in reforming the State, Till vigour of arm second ...


... DAIttDSON, (American.) Wi'riCttre 1.t a Pane ovt Glaes in the Inn 11idowiaten Huat lsdderenfiehl. The Qtueen is with us, Whigs exulting say, For, when ehefibudt its iil, she let its stay. It may be so; but give me leave Io doutibt Hlon lotng she'll ...