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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... was mere fly in amber, and he must have more than once asked himself how the O'Conor Don had got there ? he is anything, he a Whig; and now that he has determined purge and live clean, hope wholesome example will find sufficient imitators among the miscellaneous ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l4ordfelhavenhasloungoccupied a position of some prominence in the West of Scotland. In politis his Lordship was a staunch Whig of this old school. He sat in Parliamenteas a Scottish Re. presentative Peer, from .182)0 to 1830; and,. in 1831; he was, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... was f seldom seeu. and never }ieard on a platform, but be did good public work in a quiet wvay. He ixes a leads-r of the old Whigs, Colin D'lap's c party, whose great services to the common1- T sealt'i are nowadays made light of ; le was the eldest ex-meniber ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... There can be little doubt, therefore, t that he came forward emphatically as a I people's candidate in oppsition to the s Whigs. On the side, however, favourable to I his political consistency, it has been maintained s that even then he was looking forward ...


... his physical fibre that after all he was very nearly murdered by Mist, when that unf the alliance of collaborateur with the Whig Government; and that he did not use the in- formation he obtained to ly hurt any oneā€”even a Jacobite. The truth, in all civil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... five months, hon-ever, after thene appoint- to cetloni, the Dukle of Welliaglon ceased ta he First Mfinist'er. aned hr tire Whigs partly tnoo. possessian of the Cabinet. The Kine,, BS -when Duke of Clarence, frequently supported thect ; they had 'Ai therefore ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... seen that not Garibaldi Winself could have strivea harder to ?? the, sop ioxiidf!ice from , lItaly.: The remarkab e eveilt WhiG liave HinCaw . exhibited Ii3spolioy, the allnexat-on of Unibria ardl, the Marches, with that df the Two Sici'iies, arc fresA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tiispicese Of I )fLrd DcrbyI He ceor ticeicely he s'etdto have ]lid aity political, ~ 'ife If 'gneally gave lies votes to the 'Whig party, but in thle Hoise of Lodof which body lie lied beet, a membuer 45 'ye tars, lie attalined to no eniteueuci. On sonic ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Florence has not long enjoyed the post, a , his appointment to which was loojeed 0upon as the roecompense , of bestowed9l by tho Whig (4overnm11ent for the steady party service I is to which Mr. Sheil devoted the last few years of his Parlia- t ,d mentary life ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sumirution of' Clue art atid eloqucince of ?? vietoriusits ndvocate. p The year 1830 saw all cad of tie lollg exile of the Whig arty froits power. 'lThe oflices of Lord-Adis ocutte umid of Sell- Ci tor-G leerslu fir Scothlmdl IIow fell by cosmusmeim asscnlt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... year Ire was agrrin ciroser ireirser for Mid-Lrtiriars, at tire gene- ral eleetien corracquerrt ers tire aecessiors of tire Whigs to office -unider Lord Grersville. When that bliriotry fell, ii Miarcir, 1807, ?? nsew Prersaicrg the Duice of Portlaird, bestowed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... over the world, was the thir- teenth Earl of the name, lived a retired life, remained to the end of his days constant to the Whigs, and was beat known for his devotion to natural history. His zoological collection of living' animals It Knows. ley was of ...