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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Barraclks here, for the trial of Assistan t- r Surgenn S.av Eity, of thle rth Royal Veteran Batralion , o., IR r the charrces follo)whig [\oh agis in at the hlli ance ie ,C of Surgeon M Archur, .)f the san,,e regimient. i^l 1. I-Iav;n~ privaie5Gy, and fiona pique ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sustained in political life, .it, trl- 'would be'siperdluous to speak. Early. in llH' he at- ot !n:m tacheil himself to the Whig PartI, of which the Mi0?-?z ing Chriesc~ became the avoseed orgau; and lie main_ 1 tained these principles to lhe iatst-livig ...


... and Gren- ville Adminisration he was first Irish Secretary, assd after- wards President of the Board of Controul. Wish the Whigs he qeisted office, and on the death of Mr Ponsonhly lee became Leader of the Opnc ition in the House of Com- n mons. As a speaker ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... for whichn lie teas at the dine Loisiderably, but undeserverlhy rI eevdrg blatitind. We allude to the formation ofa Cabinetof Whig: irc ni tile so curly and so ettgdc as to. deprive it of all the qutalities a d no.i~rudnt mi patr(>ticforeshiult, anl which ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The last public act of tord Spencer was his acceptance of the seals of the. : Home Department, lii the year 111, when the Whigs came into office. In private life, Earl Speitcer was tind ani benevolent; and his memory will long be cherished by all who ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... was to present an address o thte King expressive of regret at the dismissal of thelate ministers. Mr. Mark Phillips and the Whig party did not at first imagine that there would be any difliculty in carrying their preconceived ad- dress. To their great ...