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Poetry, Original and Selected

... d-tcll'>itg wich sntrvive 'i triatl 10ll d~ats ?? onc ?? agaiiisc dv, iii theirifuls ?? t111 Iiowiiit x. AlsfrliihsN cansuc whig-utes stri, inn IC'lii'l -11LMSLTI ilttmhd tu h 'pti ceo ai' ?? ''Pixere aeset iii deeal. fthi hall ect rx'lsl Ii to I c de) ...


... oppotitritics for distinction. Neverthlelss, itl his titme, Gerieral Baird basked in tte sunishine of ministerial favour. If tire Whigs retcaried him from the Cape, the lTo- ries let slip no occasitns of etaploing him, till lie Nvas disabled at Corunia for further ...


... have the power To regain Protection. Who to ruin will submit, Broken, beggared, bit by bit! Let him vote as lie is fit, For a Whig's Election! Who in pride of honest worth, Loves the fair land of his birth I Let him send his suffrage forth To recall Protection ...

Our Library Table

... participates in most of their views, and has shared in their labours. But by his long connection as a publisher with the leading Whig literati, he has often been called upon to act as a medium of communication between the first and second of the three sub-divisions ...

Literary Notices

... comprehended this necessity, and lie accepted it. We have not, therefore, inly reason for declaring ourselves u priori opposed to a Whig Cabinet, or against Lord Palmerston in particular. But the past imposes on us a law to be prudent, and to vwait for acts ; ...

Our Library Table

... of the south, he was frequent- ly brought into contact with Webster and Clay, and the leaders of what was called the Old Whig Party. He was subsequently elected Governor of the States; and when the secession took place, there was no man to com- pete ...


... thing which they had come to believe belonged to them in turn, just as the government of the country belongs in turn to the whigs and tories, is as hairy as a bison and as'rough as a Polar bear. He may have delicately formed limbs, but if so they are smothered ...

Our Library Table

... of the south, he was frequent. ly brought into contact with Webster and Clay, and the loaders of what was called the Old Whig Party. He was Subsequently elected Governor of the States; and when the secession took place, there was no man to com- pete ...

Literary Varieties

... hlis official duties Mr. in 'iirswsboght into contact with a va riety of persons and t anioegst, 'tlirsr, with an ambitious Whig attorney, wche gave Li;s a' niost lively account of a select circle of whlig wvits and llto,'eiveesis, and persuaded the C ...

Our Library Table

... principal political personages ef the day) unsheathed and fearlessly wielded in explaining political principles, in cutting up Whig and Tory pranks, and especially in discussing the great Irish questions of the day, but we need not proceed further than the ...


... the Jatmnkicas Bill, no fewer than 66 did so from gratihude i'fo fatotirs received. Of Ithe 66, there were crented by thie Whigs ?? promoted by them 12, atpoipited to ofice 11; and if we add tile 5 Wih.ols who obtaiteiid tbe five sees at their' lands, ...

Our Library Table

... as Tory,-then he joined the late Mr. Canning,-and he has been, of late years, first a followers and then a leader, of the Whigs. He sees nothing him- self to regret, or to blame, in these changes: and wa. quote the defence he offered, on the 3rd of March ...