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Belfast News-Letter



Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... ARTHUR HILL. Hillboroagh, May 16, 1831. (339 DOWN ELECTION. SCHOOLMASTER ABROAD. ,SHAM SPEECH OF MAURICE CROSS, EsQuirt. HE Whig has favoured us with Three Columns of It' a speech, never spoken, by this Ci-devant Master of the Belfast Poor School; who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the lilhit oflice. The tollowing are the totals of the official returns:- News-Letter, from July '55 to Dec., '57 325,500 Whig, ditto, ditto, 'I8,000 Merelry, ditto, ditto, 245,500 Banner, ditto, ditto, 225,500 TIle Stanip Retirn, however ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EII, i,,, 000 30,00 0 30,000 N orthorn Whig, 4.0oo 25105 23,500 .Niercny, I3000 7,300 20,000 i3antuier of Ulster . 18 ,00 18,000 20,000 Morning Nows, -. - WIERI.Y NYS, . . 000 ,000 10,000 Weekly Northern Whig, 5,000 2,500 2,500 Weekly Press, . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... counect himseyf with abfiP J.. i 4e uIld uponsimi.arp raicples. al Co'ducted Letters, post-paid, addressed to Mr. MWOIGAR Whig Oice, 'will be attended to. -' Atert Belfast, 6th October, 1829. (4ll, Belflst, 5th Octobc,, le M3r. MAXWYEL L SA~JDRS. SIR--Having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... exceed FIFTY TEiocs.uND POUNDS annually. Alth ugh Magee Bays he is a Conservative, he voted steadily with the Ace-of-Heart Whigs, againast Captain Whitla, and on all other issues. Mussen and Rieatley have always been most determined Conservatives. But ...

Advertisements & Notices

... first appearanceafterth termination of Mr. Cooke's engagement. CLARKE'9S HOTrEL, HAMMOND'S COU:RTr, (OPPOSITE THE NORTHERN WHIG OFFlCE. E CLARKE returns her sincere thankis tohe R Friends, and the Public in general, for the yt, liberal support she has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I p slightest confidence in my integrity, TO VOTE ti AGAINST JOHNSTON. r I In ISGS, in my anxiety to punish the local P' 3 Whigs for aiding the Corporation Managers in B doubling the rates of the owners and occupiers of c( dwelling-houses of the annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Young Ladies, not attending during the day, may receive Lesions.. Cards of Terms may be seen in the Booksellers, *nd at The W-hig Office. : ' (732 WHOLESALE . PRIN:XTED VALXJco, LIN1[EWs AN1) MIANCHFSTEII WAREHOUSE, 19, VA NLG-STREET. ILL IA M C /P o b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the magnitude of the work, is term mnoderate. TilE BELFAST AND DIRECTOR Y 511O UJ CO UNVirl Y HO US WA REHO USE Northern Whig. The various directorial lists have- been re- vised and brought up to date. The work is now a Directory of Greater Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chouan.-Ir.1. Letter from a Liberal Whig.- VIII. A Glance at the German Annuals for 1835.- IX. The Magic Key.-X. Sketches by HB. from the Portfolio of the Ettrick Shepherd. No 2. L-d B -_m to Joseph Grimaldi, Esq. XI. A Whig as he ought to be-a Pure Old Wlhig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0I 30,000 30,000 30,500 Nortlerli Whig, 40,01)0 2:j,405 23,500 Moroury ,. 18,000 7,500 20,000 D3anner of Ulster, 18,1;00 18,000 20,000 Morning News . Wiroci N3ws.N* - 8,000 5,000 10,000 Weekly Northern Whig, 5,000 2,000 2,500 Wooekly Pross, .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Northern Whig, 2,500 - 5,000 Weekly Prss, .- - - The totals exhibited by these tables are for the eighteen months:_ NL;S-LETT'n, 185,500 Stamped COp;is. Northurn Whig, 151,405 Mercury, 85,000 Bannerof Ulster, 108,500 WrcRCLY Nr:ws, 38,000 PI Weekly Whig, 17 ...