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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard



Gloucestershire, England

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Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard

THIS IgIMON AT NEROATII. 25th Psalm, Ilth verse.— For thy name's sake, 0 pord, pardon my iniquity for it is

... and completely burying them. Immediately after the passing of the Reform Bill 19 Scotch counties were in the hands of the Whigs; at present 10 out of that number are represented by Conservative members, and the registrations for several of the others ...


... titions, 153 ; signatures, 32,550. Majority in favour of church-rates —petitions, 429; and signatures, 23,450: and yet the Whig-Radical papers tell us that the whole country is crying out for the abolition of church-rates. Sir Richard Simeon, the rep ...


... titions, 153 ; signatures, 32,550. Majority in favour of church-rates —petitions, 429; and signatures, 23,450: and yet the Whig-Radical papers tell us that the whole country is crying out for the abolition of church rates. Sir Richard Simeon, the rep ...

We arc lllfOrilled that the Lord Bishop of Salisbury ha, kindly consented to become the Patron of the Salisbury ..

... Mayor, upon giving Thee Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, was loudly c hee re d. Nothing can equal the meanness of the Whigs It was arrenged through our imlieal authorities that the result of the late election Amnia be communicated by telegraph soon ...


... because the poor fellow had not anything seriously the matter with him. Your political quacks are of two denominations, the whig and the radical. The first is the more respectable of the two. His practice is modified. He dislike* violent proceeding. ...


... Channg-cross snips, He's fit for the wanner eat out by such ripe. Follow sour Leader! ye wife beating snobs, Who pelted the Whigs for opposing John Hobbs. Follow your Leader! posendors of sprats, Who pelted John Hobbs for defending the oar.' Follow your ...

•• Whether it hail the trine-cap or fight•'

... Sinclair, about half way down the blouse, on the front bench, to the left of the Chair. This was the signal for a yell from the Whig-Radicals, whom Sir Francis fairly looked in the face all the while as none but a fine old English Gentleman could have done ...

THE WILTS AND GlAlsOf'tit-S'il.:llSliiftE ST \NDARD

... Se•r-vice. lu addition to the inmates of St. Jolitre Hospital, it wit afford accommodation to upwar.La of 150 re mons. The Whig Peers possess 1% livings: the Earl of Craven has 13 livings, of Albemarle 9, Duke of Clevemad IL of Sutherland 8, of Portland ...

The lessee of the G4lllOllB, Cheltenham, applied to the 0: Vansh::ll. London, to ti, the necessary step. , an an

... rdilrrraoran, .till remains at Sritheatt. in at alamt :01 .Ina n. he nlmeost. M. ant , Parlinturot! [The gallakt :till :ki Whig: a CUsaenat6 w.niiii not bil ,h,i old The ilia of Pei..rdmr.b ha , . an° by hi. Niajyst . in C.,,lncil 1.. he au lidditiOnal ...


... various shades of their political opinions, the Tory, the Conservative, and the Conservative- Whig, being the degrees of liberalism amongst the former, and the Whig, the Liberal and the ' Radical being their respective opposites amongst the latter; an in ...


... eventually tt• glue rious minority will, we confidently trust, be found to have relieved the state from the noxious rule of the Whig-radical government—the servant of the papist, the sworn friend of the democrat and revolutionist—and thus have saved not the ...


... with the ancient restrictions upon Sunday travelling ; they were found to operate (like many other restrictions removed by the Whig-Radicals) only upon the Sabbath-breaker and the dissolute:why. then, must Mr. Roebuck step in to amend all this; why must he ...