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Now to bc tErts

... The FelLw went by two Names, viz Robert Owen, and Robert Underdown ; and is a fpat frefb-colatied Man, hal on a natal white Whig, Drab-colourid Cuat, a tlrip'd Linfey-wolley Waficoat, black Breeches, and a pair o. half Boots. • AT Boxlev near Maiddone ...

• His Majefly has ordered the Review of the *lode and Foot-Guards for the 15th lunatic in Hyde Park. Brigadier

... Threfliing-Floor, and the K. of Rabbah's Crown. Crl on Leonidas. On a Pafrage in Catullus. Tillotfan mildaken about Revenge. Old Whig a Drolleron Words. Apocrypha contains idle Fables. IV. Political. Reit.taions on the Scotia Riot-Bill. The fatal Contequences ...

pblijii Bexttifselly

... Bill; An Old Officer's Notions of Military Honour; The Craftfman a Libel; Plaufible Reafons for a Standing Arpay - Party Merit; Whig and Tory out of Date; Artifichl Memory ; Kicking Cuffing; Drains Colonies. VI. Poetry; viz. Urban turn'd Coachman, and Su in ...

Prom the Daily Advertafer, March T

... in their Judgments by Private Inteiefl. Weckly Etlaysfroin the Ciatifinan,Coinmon Senfe, Spettator, Weekly Mifceilany, 0:d Whig, &c. ;.Poetical Pieces, feveral of which never bet Ore printed, &c. as utual. The Month of January containe3, A Criticifin ...

•rom EDNESrA.I May 14,t0 SA TURDAY Niay 27 27;8

... and genteel Manner of the Pufons who gave the Entertainment feem'd to influence the whole Company, which, tho' compofcd of Whigs, Torics, Roman Catholicks, Perfons of Court and out of Court, and all Parties and Perfuafions, yet was as fociable and affable ...

be LETT, entcrid upon iininediatelr; ALarge cunvenient good accutiotn'd Houle, for a Baker or Waiman, with two ..

... London : Printed for J. oAwn, at the Golden Ball in Pater. noller Row. Where may be had, juft publiflied, r. The Independant Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Chriftianity, and of our Eccleliafticallament, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments ...


... London: Prtnted for J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Pater.. nofler Row. Where may be had, jun publifhed, 1. The Independant Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Chriflianity, and of our Ecclectailical Eflablithment, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments ...

Poll, or Cazierary News letter

... : (d) A Year the Fox fhews the Grimace, A Year he's diflanc'd in the Race: A Year that Charity's extended, (e) A Year that Whig and Tory's blended, Amazing Year, that were de - ended. (a) Dedoration of War (b) A Spaniard it Isseelingto 13—nia, holding ...

From the Lostion G.ezeta, April TS. • i 2 etersbourg, March 21. Admiral Gordon, after a tingling 'Hoeft, died at

... his Gatrifon , confiding of 900 Men, yielded themfelves Fanners of War, and were condu&ed to Berlin April 18. Since the isth Whig, a third Officer is arrived here Exprefs from the Prufrian Army in Silefia : The Particulars he brought of the Battle fought ...

• §t. jameig, klatch Pleafea to nominate, contlitine and &Nowt the Right Hon. Lion!) Earl of Dyfarr, to be One

... attack'd the Town of Vanua, • knockl down the Walls thereof, delbroy'd the Spire and • Roof of the Gnat and molt of die • *Whig in have done to the amount Cl 4 Dollars t funk deftroy'd 3o Settee,, moll of them ' = or or the Ufe of* Fleet at Toulon ; and ...

The K From

... that wittily and jufily (aid tome ago, All be Iwo from a long Csoverfatiow with Politicks, was, that the Tories were beams Whigs Nod the Whip Tories. The Aufhian Troops now in Poffeffion of the file of Rheinmark of three Battallions, fix Companies of ...

ele nt.3l of t!:: timten; ant (tic liis CAbiti) and finking to !he Frcnch. y ta the Alrice of the

... 111. Extraa from the bell Papers; the Condua and Fortunes of the late Emperor and his Father ; Defcription of an unparrioted Whig; Maritime OEconomy negleaed ; fame Sea Commanders cenfured. IV. A Cure for the Cholera Morbus. V. Letters on the Virtues of ...