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London, England


London, England

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... UNION OF.THE WORKING CLASSES AND N OTHERS. A Public Meeting will be held on Saturday evening, March 8, on the subject of the Whig Prosecution of the True Sun and the Victim Reeves; the place of meeting ivll be duly advertised in the True Sun and other papers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Honesty-Royal Nurses-The Falling Whigs-Royal Honour, &c. &c. &c. with Brevities, Broughamisna, and Theatricals. No. 35, has a Caricature of THE ROYAL REPTILE, and No. 36, of last week, has a cutting article and Caricature upon WHIG ECONOMY, and the CHANCELLOR'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... but I am well aware, that I have thereby alienated many of the richest and most powerful among my original supporters:-the Whig gentry of our county, who have gradually become more and more lukewarm in their support of me, and whs were compelled alone ...


... of Surrey returned W. J. Denison, Esq., and C. Barclay, Esq., a Whig and Conservative ; the defeated candidate was W. Long, Esq. In 1837 remarkable contest took place. Mr. Denison, a Whig, was again returned by 1586 votes, and the Hon. Capt. Perceval, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hy a scribe whose informotion and judgment ore equally bad. Saum Cuique is wrong in supposing that no other publication-Whig, Tory, or Radical-could be capable of the same injustice; the Westminster Review did the same sort of thing, sod the ceesures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ctaa~tiuautaas~toiere efficient'.to l.w4lu~atw tZeaaw tbe~dask'riilaueo asi foal crwftineusitls nbichi tie: ariatocrms, wh~ether Whig ,or 'Tory, *tould vlabour to- ; tebitiignd-fri i~ta'Ofhe'1folxi dW1,Bsi-illMs ljlibicto's otit t ao n osta ig ansiktbbv reene ...

Advertisements & Notices

... disgraceful squabbles for power and plunder, and have united to prevent Reform. The Leaders of the Tories, and the Leaders of the Whigs, with the refuse of all parties, now associate at the same table, and co-operate in the same bad cause. Personal hatreds the ...


... the place to the Liberals. A bitter struggle is hand. Tho Toi-ies know they have lost their overwhelming majority, and the Whigs think their time has como. Ever since the Berlin Treaty Lord Beaconsfield's popularity has been on tho decline. has often seemed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... poets, whom their friends despair of, Are-put to bed and taken care of. Tegg begs to contradict a story, Now current both with Whig and Tory, That Doctor W-rb-t-n, M. P. W ell known for his antipathy, His deadly hate, good man, to all The race of poets, great ...


... Zeiny; ?? Theodore Charles Koerner.-16. Lord Carherry's Letter on the late Cork County Meeting.-17. State and Prospects of the Whigs.-18. Farriogtons Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds.- 19. Poems to Ida, Nos. I and II-20. Lord Lauderdale's pro- posed Address ...

Advertisements & Notices

... now pt npon eir trial, if they :stpimely tow their Irish brethren toCbe given up to the Iilitary despotism proposed by the Whigs, they will give consent to the acknowledged 'unconstitutionalf measure of Earl Grey, ind, consequeanly. will be forging chains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... distrust and are shy of the Whigs. This is the reason why, at the present crisis, the people would place as little con- fidence in a PALMERSTON Cabinet composed of pure Whigs as in a PALMERISTON Cabinet composed of a medley of Whigs and Aberdeenites. The people ...