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... 12 Radicals and Repealers, and 36 Whigs and Tories. Supposing the Repealers and Radicals to struck off by the Crown, and twelve Conservatives to be struck off by the traversers, the jury will then be composed of Whigs and Tories, the first 12 of whom that ...


... receipt of the above message Mr Boulton moved —that it be referred to Committee of Privilege. Upon the above Tacts the Kingston Whig of the Oth ult. makes the following comments : '•Every step now taken the late ministry and their supporters with a view of ...


... . State what they are Well, if I were to define them, I should say In moderation placing all my glonr, The Tories call me Whig, and Wnigs a Tory. I have been blamed by my own family for being a rank Tory, and by some my Tory friends for being a Liberal ...


... this meeting, and the other meetings now taking place throughout Great Britain, would view it not as one of party, neither Whig® nor Tories, and he cared not whether it was a sliding scale or a fixed duty. To himself that was of no importance; neither ...

1.1 rEItANY P1.11101,1C • 1.4

... run to a much greater length than, at the commence- ment ac anticipated. It is es Wendy a feeler by one of the ablest of the Whig leader-, but that it will be generally sympathized in by the party, we do not believe. The idea of endowing the Catholic Church ...


... which would have the good of the country at heart, and had there been an Irish party up to this period ? Orangemen, Ribbonmen, Whigs, Tories, and Radicals, he was sick of them all, aud wh it honest man was not sick of them all, actuated as they were by the ...


... expounders. said before, mean oppose the Anti-Corn Law League, and nothing else; and Ido hope, let who will be Minister, whether Whig or Tory, if one iota of protection more is proposed to be taken away from the farmers, we shall join hand in hand, an show ...


... l one, and the question raised waa one between the present Ministers, who were going to enlarge their franchises, and the Whigs who promised much and did very little. And now aa to the evidence —what did it bring to light There waa every temptation to ...


... that overwhelming character in point of numbers, station, ana influence, that it would be the deathblow to the hopes ot the Whig faction and their newallies, the Irish Repealers, for years vet to come.— Britannia. METBOrOUTAN SOCIETY FOB THE Aaßici'LTfßE ...


... untier Lord y, that more Roman Catholics been promoted in the two year* of the present (ban during first four years of the Whig Administration, larger number than, th* greater amount of trfficial aptitude the other side, and tbe eminent Roman Catholics ...


... efficacy of the ordinary law. The Whigs had taken a different course; they had applied for a coercion bill; and he himself, instead of making Lichfield House comp ct with the opponents of that measure to turn out the Whig Government, had given his support ...


... perished by in and water. The prim= gave up their fiegitfene imeatee amidst the general boner and ecafeelom leek as escaped Whig crushed bewail failing edifiers, lald the reins upon the neck of so that enmity. Tillage, and otiose. mitsgied Übe &mom In ...