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Oxford University and City Herald



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Oxford University and City Herald

Dec. 19, 1868.]

... Rotheram, who wassitting beside him in his carriage, in the forehead. Her life is in some danger. A correspondent of the Northern Whig reveals some of the secrets of the late meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, in Dublin. Mr. Johnston, of Ballykilbeg ...

CITY AND COUNTY ADVERTISER. Old ladies are apt to be fidgetty and loquacious; and to breathe their fears ..

... freely and prematurely. So it comes to pass that worthy Mrs. Harris's laudable zeal for the Chureh, and pardonable antipathy to Whigs have hurried her into bruiting about a story, which turns out to be untrue ;— that Lord Palmerston had stopped the ‘ Queen’s ...


... while there remained a hope that the old Whig banner could be again unfurled as a distinct ensign—while the expect- ation could be justified that the Ministerial or Whig- Radical party would again take up the old Whig ground —it was natural and honourable ...


... the principles he had espoused without regarding their and dangerons tendency. He had been taught in to bea Whig, and he determined tobe a Whig all his life. He shut out the light of reason and opped his ears against the voice of experience, because reason ...

POLITICAL CHARACTERS. No. XXVITI SIR JAMES GRAHAM. * He isa man Versed in the world as pilot in his compass.”

... where comparatively all was bleak and barren. And now compare the professed patriotism of the Whigs with the real patriotism of Sie James Graham. The Whigs see (for they cannot be so blind as not to see) the country in the greatest jeopardy : they see ...


... pop ilar invetings of a few years ago were | vour of the Ministers.’’— Morning Post, Tuesday, Sept. 4. How variously these Whigs will gabble “Tis now the the rabble.” Just as their factious ends it suits, “Lis “ thinking people —“‘ thoughtless brutes ...


... Newspapers at 3s. each, are the two acts of the Whigs this mouth selected for tbe infliction of n severe castigation on the authors. noticing the former, the writer takes the opportunity of exposing the means the Whig faction took to produce estrangement between ...

x. o I't o o rr

... a majoirty of 128 over the Whig Candidate; and Sir John Walsh, a Conservative, has been returned for Sudbury, by a ma- jority of 26 over the Whig Candidate, both in the roorn of Conservatives deceased. Captain Dundas, a Whig, has been returned for Devizes ...

ahove referred to, were both misorably rent by of opinion, At Leeds, as we intimated this day week; “ Peerage

... letter announces his retirement from East Cornwall, because, as he says, the Whigs will not support a Radical like himself with proper zeal, and because, without effectual Whig support, or the ballot, a Radical has no chance in the par- ticular district ...


... which was found sticking in ite throat at the time of its EXPOSITION OF WHIG-RADICAL PROFESSIONS. 1. Whig Economy.—A bankrupt revenue, there being a defi- ciency of £2,421,776. 2. Whig increase of the national debt to Pa amount of £1,063;966. Cheap Government ...

Bishop.of Hereford. In the last place come the Irish are absolutely necessary—i.c., their noses are necessary ..

... the support of this omnium Cabinet. But they never will forgive the Whigs for the | ‘ Ecclesiastical Titles Bill,’ and al ough Sir J. Graham and Mr. Gladstone steered clear of this Whig blunder, and for the sake of the prospective support of the Irish Papacy ...


... opinions, and by whose support the Government maintained its station; and they said that the Whigs had changed and had gone to thom, and that they had not gone tothe Whigs. ‘I'hat was the ground of his remarks. Did the Noble Lord disavow those persons, or what ...