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Present State of the Nation

... for the cuftoms opinions of Wceftors, no attachment but to private intereft, rtv7l- 1 for felfim Ratifications. Whilft of Whig and Tory; High Church jj** Church, Court and Country fubfifted, the lief , as ' dlvitled arid each fide held opinion, for t ...

By tbe King'/ Royal Licence and Authority,

... Mr. Bites A..„ I in Bath ; or 10 Mr. John Bryant, Upholder, on I rongh-Walls, who will ihew the Piemifes. 1 ® f> ' The foUd-whig Genuine MEDICIXES arr JbU /77T Printers of this Paper, and may he bad of the Kfi who dijiribute it in the Country, ‘viz. le ...

Dialogue between the two Heads temple Bat. dull difmal watchmen were going their rounds, And paft one o'clock ..

... in—who have pretty wide gorges: Nay, further, they urge, if there is fuch a thing As a rebel or traitor to country and That Whig all creatures is furely the worft, And that Tories were ever mod true to their truft. If fo,—had we liv'd 'till our friends ...

PRINTER, &c. OUGH I am plain conn yet I cannot fit Itill to lis ich things arc now laid an

... real ave too nces, I lonable a party power, Permit • whofe ? Who houfe of our trade and manufafb id many more real evils, Whigs and their party who are in their fenfes, ftate fuch creatures into bid. it Miniftry put in force the 5, as Harry the did, and ...

> i,'\ '■' v,: 'v ■,-n\Y~a '*) y ' ; '''lo ,^,4\ i- ♦>■ •’ v ' • Printed by

... thecoun- to the ruin of our trade and manufactures ? Were [all thefc, and many more real evils, brought upon [by the outed Whigs and their party ? Ami (hall Engliflimen who are their fenfes, be perfuaded to reinitate fuch creatures into power again ? Ko ...

To the LADIES. JAMF.S and PETER FERRY, at the Comer of Galiawav'i BuiioiMOi, Bath, (tbimi ./ Tridi) Gi* I Noi

... fevrral lageniom peßticll Stric - ture* ea lb* Chtiadtri and Virwi of different King* tod M.nifttrt, Ac ; IrueCbtraAer of the Whigs botb m A.fmi- mftr it ton inri Oppofit .on ; Confideration* oa th* Liberty af the Pref.; with fevcral curiou* Letlcrt to th* ...

LONDON, April 6

... favour of tht man whom the m— r approved ; infomuih, that during the toiy m— — — y of Q^ Am, there wa* not one inftance of a whig member, being admitted upon petition ; ml dining the mii.iltrv ef Sir K. Wilpole, it il weli known, that the lofi ol tie Chippenham ...

LON DON, Tuiioat, December a]

... are fome diftinAioni, which ire inherent in the nature of thing!. There ie a dillinition between right and wtong •-between Whig and Tory. In the I'pecch of Lord Chatham-, publilhed yeftenlay, it the following all'-ilion of the Duke of k— «-nd, in a great ...

SI LK-WE AVER'i WARE-HOUSE, (Corner oj Gallaiuay'iHu.l./ingi, Sorth-Parade.) B A TII, Drc. 16, 1770. VAN SOMMER ..

... at cvoy Atheilt is a Whig.' Now a Whig cont-iids for civil and r,l. fiia, l.lsctty, tlit forial right, wt human. ly, which imp 1. 1 the Kli.-f of .ri ?? sml moral ohligsikms, ssd hrnre of a 1 .is 1 ?? oo Aifo*.ft ran be s Whig -, fat Athr.un est lu ...

/'» hi, C,a„ tht Duke of GRAFTON

... ot the Soveieij;n. Mad thrrt cs-r heen an honcft mm i.ii,, is. the Sluarl,, h,« Majtlty'i prefeiit fjieruli would hast been whig! n|-on piincplc. Bi,t the con»ci« lion of the bett of Pi meet l,ai removed their Icrupia. Tliry hate forgivtn him the finl ...


... Here He tW remaine of Pinion Tonneoar, What seat neither Have, a«r frurmin. aae asWrtier, sier Cnittea, nar retmtryioan, nee* whig, net* lory, aer aCbstrcheaan, aac difttatirr, tui All. _. . Who haritigend inuheir far love, nee money , n»r liberty. nor bondage ...


... This was fupported by T. Townfhend, Efqj who ex- pofed the doctrines in that fermon, as contrary to the principles of the Whigs ; but at the fame time obte r- ved, that fuch doctrines, and thofe who avowed ai.d preached them, were, and had been, during ...