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tCst doutfprn Reporter, anti Cork Commercial Courier. BUCKINGHAM HOUSE MANIFESTO

... question in the preceding year, came into office. It was inconvenient in 1807, on account of the King’s prejudices, when the Whigs were obliged to resign for only attempting to open the Army and Navy the Catholics—a measure which their successors carried ...


... mind, too, that during the administration of Mr. Addington, though agreeing wholly with the ministry, and differing with the Whigs, be even then refused to profit by position favourable his interests, and submitted, like certain religionists from point of ...

XJc S>outl)ern anD CotK Commercial Courier

... the warm and longcherished hopes of tiie Catholics were about to he blasted, and that the Regent was about to discard the Whigs from bis confidence, and to selector rather submit to, Pmiral and Popery.” That, you will allow, Mr. Marroion, was a time to ...


... Attorney.General in this country. Mr. Saurin, tho’ little known in England, is a very distinguished personage here. When the Whigs were turned out, Mr. Satrin was appointed Attorney-General for Ireland, !>n office which he held for fifteen years, and was ...


... CARMINA SECULIARIA. FROM THE NORTHERN WHIG. Strophe. Prepare, ye loyal Orange boys For your just rights to stand; For, since the Irish Government Have joined the rebel band. The Romanists waxed bolder Their base designs to show. And only want to head ...


... calendar* crime purified from its foulest blots, and the poor mifable people enjoying the sweets and comfort* industry. —Horthern Whig. Fanaticism. —This town has within the last few been distinguished by the presence of two persona:- whose flowing beards, devout ...


... FEOM THE MORTHESN WHIG. At a period when learned Theologians ve opposed to each other,on tbe policy of circulating the Scriptures without note ami comment; when the combatants on froth sides nre heated and inflamed, ami almost sinking beneath the ponderous ...


... Wortley, Esq. the present Mem ben ; Lord Morpeth, Mr. Bethel, Mr. Fountayne Wilson, and Mr. Duncombe. Of these six, two only are Whig Candidates, Lo.ds Morpeth and Milton: the ot|ier four are Tories. Two of them, Mr. Wilson and M/r. Duncombe, have been invited ...


... respecting the procesdinga of the Whigs in Yorkshire which proceed from the same party who misrepresented Mr. Wostlet intentions, are to be taken with considerable allowance. From the Leeds Intelligencer. Last week the Whigs bad private meeting a* Wakefield ...


... Edinburgh Independent,*' We shall close with the following brief but emphatic sketch of the character of Alexander, from Northern Whig, an able and independent Journal, not very long established, but which has rendered essential service the cause of truth, ...

erom the northern whig

... erom the northern whig The character of him who has thus suddenly been gathered to his fathers, at period when the increasinj tide of his power flowed with fearful strength over the shores of Europe, has now- become the property of pos terity. History ...