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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ithanibles utiderneath not biinly remdoved; numbers were dreadtully lacerated by falling on tb htuolks At a Aleeting of the Whig Ciub held at Ntt- tionhami on the 24th ult. it wa4s unaiiimouilv refolVed, on thl motitin of Dr. Cromptwnll, that ai Lette ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sitinition. A public dititter took plice at the Pxchinge Hill, Notitiglaut, on Friday We'tinight, to celebrate tse triumph of the Whig, Interest, in the seating of Messrs. Bircih and Denman, as Representatires for that town in Parlianient. Tihe company consisted ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Stanley, Ml.P. for North Lancashire, be- ti e comes by courtesy Lord Stanley. The late Earl was a dis- I tinguished member of the Whig party, and a very amiable ti man in private life. He was passionately fond of sporting, ij in which he continued to enjoy until ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... independent address of Sir Oswald Mosley, M.P. for Staffordshire. He is a Gentleman of high charac- ter and an independent whig of the old school. He shews that he is ready at all times to assist in the correction of It existing abuses, but that at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... appointment was )n made in the most flattering manner by the hire Iniig. In or politics his Lordship usually supported the Whigs. On the 20th ult., in Devonshire-place, Louisa Frances el Mary, wife of General Sir Wm. Anson, Bart., and daughter 7t) and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... This election, it is well known, was highly will gratifying to the Bishop. a ght, Bishop Butler, politically, -was a moderate Whig, and cllo pass enjoyed the favour, patronage, and friendship of the Duke h k in of Sussex: but his weak health prevented him ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Rustlandshire are already aletici- patting the prospect of tees election, and have determined to get rid o' the domination of the Whig-Radical Isosses of Barham. A requisition, very numerously signed, his been presented to the elln. - Dawney, the eldest son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Garliasnent, Mr. he-C derick O'Cossner, of Esehoos, is in the field actively en- gaged canvassing the electors of this town on Whig prin- ciple&.-Gelaioy Advertiser. X At a meeting of the Royal Medico- Chireargical Society, afew evenings since, Sir Benjamin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lntuiHToN.-Lord Alfred Hervey is tle Conservative I and Mr. Hharforil (who has just lost his seat for Lewes oia !petition) is the Whig candidate. T[here are, also, a Radi- cal and a Chartist candidate, ' The proceedings on the Weymouth Election petition terminated ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mr. Thomas Gisborne in his room. They boast they have full powers to effect this, in the silent consent which those of the Whig party here, whose consent is requisite, have given to their intrigues and manntivres. Should this prove true, then, in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... loss of his seat fior the vestern portion of tIne metropolis was occasioned by his unwillingness to gin ft'rrvard wit h the Whig- Hadical Ministry of tiat day in wyhant they termed a carry- ing out of tire Ileformo Aet. Their supporters, of course, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to have been sold. In I ftl, during the Ministry ofwLord Grei, the tem. Syde lasth s rtewarded eff or thi caservices to the Whigs by a appintmntaonoothecnonsresdentary f~tPaul's. ythis tram hewasdeclindnglietorthisvale of Penn yevar, awillns pen has in ...