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Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent


... well considered measures, adopted with sobriety, and pursued with patience and firmness. It was the fashion, ever since the Whigs persuaded the late Empress Catherine, their Ambassador, Mr. Robert Adair, to set her face against England, to talk much of ...


... Dampier. At Felix-terrac ?. Islington, Mr. Henry White, Proprietor and Editor tiic late Sunday Paper called the Independent Whig. On the atst ult„ Lady Harriet Pinch, sister to the Ear! Aylearord. A Correspondent, who thinks that merely despatching Cannes ...

Jiousr OF COMAfONS —Mav CATHOLIC aUKSTION. I ’lineri St»arft co»i‘**e*/>'**■ ,tw >- who wedded Iretawd to «hU ..

... severest censure names which have hitherto been held in honour. I allude to the names of King WUliam 111., Lord Somers, and the Whig ministers that day; of Mr. Pitt, Lord Cornwallis, and Lord Castlereagh. These, Sir, are the honoured names which infamy roust ...


... WHIG FABRICATIONS. The Morning Chronicle of Wednesday states that the Duke of Wellington has represented to the King the necessity of submitting to the demands of the Irish Roman Catholic*. The same talc has been circulated at the west end of London, ...

(from the standard.)

... head. Let us know who are to be our enemies and who oar friends—let us know in whom we are to trust; and, however much the Whigs and Liberals may rant and blaster, our Statesmen may rely upon what have over and over again repeated, that a firm, uncompromising ...


... ss, too plain a proof that his mind is above the paltry considerations of pay, to impute sordid motives to him. True, the Whigs and Radicals may revile, and throw out their mawkish wit about love of place, and so forth but, if we know aught of the Right ...

(from the standard.)

... Mr. Canning’s administration, and which was at variance with his duty as a member of the Duke of Wellington’s Cabinet. The Whigs, having lost East Retford to the Fitzwilliam family by their bungling, wished to give two members to Manchester, to strenghten ...


... supposed infallibility to this treasonaide and bloody code of Popish morality and dreadfiil tyranny, (represented by modern Whigs as an unanswerable demonstration of Romish attachment to Civil and Religious Liberty,”) confirms the entire these Councils ...


... replied that he was a moderate Whig of 16SB —(hear, hear) —but, being asked what was a modern Whig, answered that it was utterly impossible to say what Whigs were.—(A laugh, and hear.) But let them he a Tory or a Whig, or whatever might, he returned ...


... would poke for hours to discover a double meaning in a simple document, capable of only one construction. It is alleged by the Whig Journals that the East Retford Question w’as an open question and, therefore, one on which Ministers might honorably vote at ...

meutioned a« wcrtswr Lord rtoWAM D* w.lden. The friend* of Mr. Calcmet and Mr. Wiimot Horton, it I« mU. have

... of a permanent Ministry, and a probability of getting rid of the cant of librrMg. Much discontent has been manifested by the Whig portion of the Press, in consequence of the changes, and the has taken umbrage at the appointment of Sir George Murray and ...


... The prices are at present and Bb'|g for the Account. City, four o'clock. —Consols have closed at P_M—R—N to H—SK—N. (From Whig paper.' Dear Husky, we sadly have blunder'd, For, mark how this fray in the house ends,— Not to throw Retford hundred, We've ...