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Hampshire Telegraph



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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... colletinn tr it ,bott's Leigh Court, latc the property of the Rot Trenchard, Secretary to Qieen Anie, ard Author -- r Independent Whi'g; L-kewife many from the colle e:- . the late Rev. Sir Jamn.s Stonhoufe, and Mr. In., Siationer, of. London,, and feveral fi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ntkrtll-Axeet,.~ Chichehster - or fe -1Lgli-strect, ArurntLe rT¶O be, SOLD byStAtSSEX. ,b 67 JL WELLMR, 'it the -Hofel, Whig iyi n-, .tie nextmraonth,- bi,;'iA desirable COPHL SAE'staea 1, l;Tarring, Salvingqton, aud[, Gqrirog coitxi'o qi'Doobl~ Cottage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... butt ?? iaf~tli isaft'm'enedv iii 'altl tess colds, coogha,'nsthmas,.traaivottfaee.ants of tlie the lunngs:n-.tligoass nda'whig,.bahve'pr tiln use of ii heir restored to vlal'th,- bau~tsl einghnnifuearnce ,and Aibe re- extensive and r dphy id erel, k'e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... foiiir win l tug sixeti, ioatitili v ?? of (inill al cttSizes, &c. ilie DrAD ST-OCK CfltineifitS if fottr rni-rosaw-wheel whig- gilit, Situ, 6iniihi Steels- dittio wisit irelt antis~, twotfi liedt Cal iauigi-iandtii suottihy cliittiii, three Ci-ieli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e1VoipMt; and ild. hy all t lie pr incipal Booktlselleres i'n 111 i'e Ctlitit. HAMPSWR lE INDEPENDENT Ut'IUB ya) THFER being a Whig Cu, n .LJ'Pi'C Club,'eihiht in t ie cohility, it 'is now Reform, ?? Fertioia andl Putit y of F~luciion, atid ithe ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pleasure Boat, with sasils complete; various H1sEiS o tLD p URN5'ITURE, in large Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, mahogany whig and other book-cases, window curtains, and nu. nierous other effects. The whole may be viewed two days. preceding the sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the delusion of the agrieultubnl Labourers, whom his Grace does not apa ohv taken any pains to undeceive. appear t hare TheI Whigs have not involved us in foreign war-they have not drained the pockets of Englishmen, to subni. dize continental Despots-they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... application of them, also, tlen ;C) cannot be more strongly evinced, than by the iaealous bet' ~IC desire both of Tory and Whig Administrations, to oh- ien .e- tain his Lordship as a Colleague. Shall there, then, KM en exist ainongst you anly vacl alaton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... orunknown writers it matterslittle, know roviding it take the direction towards those with whom Aba te differs and called Whigs. Was not the present ofre unit mierone ofth andwthe e a ?? supportsome ofthe by c measures passed by that base set5 and, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hitherto distinguished the members of his tbrprfesion, as it s quite in accordance with all his actions Bo ion since the Whigs assumed the reins of wrwhen DE hoI- hie ungratefully deserted his old friends, ain veered round to the astesishonenet a-ad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the result of the first day's polling for i North Northamptonshire where Maunsell the Tory, is t 600 a-head of larbury the Whig, ought to s'atisfy you 0 that wherever the Tories consider they have the power, a they will not hesitate to use it in ousting ...