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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bentinchr, and Mr. Disraeli apply themselves to this two-fold opposi- tion, that, in February, 1852, on the dissolution of the Whig Cabinet of Lord John Russell, the Protec- tionist Conservatives were called into office. In the Midsummer of the preceding ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Captain Spencer, hc represented hlidlirst in Parlianiunt. During his career ac in thse Lower House lie invariably voted with ithe Whig party, at of whciil political body, like his predecessor in the Peerage, si he was ai cousisteist supvmporter. tl; The Iresent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... leerage it the age of' 32. II, 1113('Z Nhel 1Earl Qre' losh office. Lord Ascli ri d, as one of tile leadinig n tiers of the Whig i party, was offered the appolin tmeint of ule al'residenit of the Beavd of ''l':radtiO d Master of tbe Mlnt, withl a seat ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , was about the most lucrative of his day. In 1841 he was named Attorney-General. Sharing the official vicissitudes of the Whig party, when the Protectionists revenged the repeal of the corn laws by deposing Sir Robert Peel, in July, 1846, Sir Thomas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... --TOMereltyieneohal Andmthi~e'; telrdiiiee- tqfthc MF-he~pall bein'g MMA W . flole, A;:1of tidFl0 A.411e3A '~~3ui68flncir; t! oA d WHig Inldat ben o 8i8,, rpfh, r.u: ?? 3eil~tI.dli~ig~ 'ftl~c'decei4dd; ?? s olej'nte Metr of;Univereltl'rtl8W~ne4 ~ ',;'College-ad~ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... who was elected an Alderman on the 9th, took place. The can- didates were Mr. W. Ward, Conservative, and Mr. Justice Taylor, Whig. The result was in favors' of the former, the numbers ?? Mr. Ward, 156; Mr. Justice Taylor, 94. A Council was held on Thursday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... House of Loads. During the time he wea in the Lower House, and subsequently ih the House of Lords, hie uniformly supported the Whig Goveranonts.- Ilo Scot- land he was a warm supporter of tile Free Chur ch, imnd was deservedly popular. From September, 1848 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1812, at the fi3st general election after the passing of Lord Jlohn Russell's first Reform Bill, he entered Parliament, in the Whig interest, as one of the members of the borough -l Buckiughamn, polling twenty votes more than his colleague. l the Tory candidate ...