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the Remembrancer Gent my ail EpiUIe induced me turn Writer made me One : But tho’ your Stock mull not

... here So that you perhaps gravely reflecting the Adi of Settlement as it ftood before it was fo unmercifully cafirated the Whigs and the Cuftom generally obferved as a Matter of Grace at leaft of fignify-ing from the at the Clofe of a a Pur-pefe going ...

Published: Tue 29 May 1750
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2575 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

th e Remembrancer' fif-ricn Flaw r-de was once Chair the Houfe f Time a the Door containing Words This Nation

... againft their Reprefentatives as had formerly play’d the of the King therefore thefe Doftrines had Foundation Reafon the Court-Whigs thofe could keep the race for on when it was and faithfully if ever come the ie Ability or Fidelity could be difeovered in ...

Published: Tue 12 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2261 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

No From the September 15 s Climates have vifible Effefl the Conftitutions of Men fo the Manners Country receive ..

... ran away with Rider For the Corps were fuccefilvely form’d under the of Puritan and Prelatiji Roundhead and Cavalier Abhor Whig and Tory were apt for Things and like tbofe who endeavour crooked Stick by warping it as much the contrary committed as ma ...

Published: Tue 25 Sep 1750
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1941 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

the Hangman with Paper-Fuel a frimg in the political Syftem of Europe intends to as the Clervx and the Parliament

... contribute National Advantage To fupport thefe Meafures is the only ejfeSlual Method to deftroy Opp n and to fend C—rt nt y after Whigs and Tories into the Land perpetual Oblivion Thurfday Mcfi’enger arrived from Harwich with Account Lords Anfon and Delaw ar ...

Published: Tuesday 07 November 1752
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2403 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

over-board Immediately a Gentleman was after him lave him : He dived down the other and bore him on his

... y be Divine Inftitution than if they had every one a moll learned Book in Affirmation of it the Matter being now not about Whig and or fuch like whether will take Part with Chrijl or with Judas whether you will Sufferer upon the Crofs or and unite with ...

Published: Tuesday 26 June 1753
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2382 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Vol XXXII TUE8D AY April 1754 No 1656 ' - ( $ All Perfons who are pleafed Advertife in this

... Our fev'ral Rights ! and faithfully injuring Houfis Lands Lives yea ev’ry Thing dear ! Jtgh and groan ! and fhed Fanatics Whigs Republicans and Placemen With fajhionably Men ! Turn -coats ! Sharpers! Infidels! and That the prefent World your Portion choofe ...

Published: Tuesday 02 April 1754
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1910 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

AT GRAMMAR-SCHOOL in SHAFTESBURY Giktiimik ire carefully inftrufted Latin Grttk for fourteen J OWNSHEND M A ..

... Parliament of his Abilities Steadinefs in Support of the Rights of one the of cell his Actions Jktwn himjtlf a real not a nominal Whig therefore that all Friends will fuport him with the Ardour my own Brother which will lay lajling Obligation Gentlemen our obedient ...

Published: Monday 15 April 1754
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1241 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

L E ladyDay fora Twenty-one Years aI 4 Barton Dartmouth containing EclernTh-----’ 1 '? aboul Orchard is large ..

... Parliament his Abilities and of the Rights of Englifhmcn one who by the of all his All ions has Jhewn himfelf real not nominal Whig I hope therefore that all Friends will fvport him with the fame Ardour Brother which will lay lafing Obligation Gentlemen our ...

Published: Monday 22 April 1754
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1541 | Page: 3 | Tags: none