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Yeovil, Somerset, England

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Int I, Give above ail libortlas, liberty to know, to utter, sad to assoodair to cassolmoo.—Miltoo. A Purr was at

... and whose administrative ability is known to every public man. He is by alliance and descent intimately connected with the Whigs. It is this fact, says the Tines, which alone renders his appointment so creditable to Mr. Disraeli, who recommended it ...

draingantri Vol Id fins

... veer are not their own, would be bettor without the country without their members. • • • • •We shall be curious to see how Whig and Tarim will deal with the question of the franchise. If they mesa heuesheld suffrage, where will be their arguneest vilest ...

1 ' 4 • I Weekly CismeWon. 8.1100.] . PITMAN'S WEEKLY NEWS AND ADVERTISER. [Tuesday. February IC ISO _ ..

... i ti.:=•,,,,e• Oh medeellise the awe of me of deader% make nee et all risher.-Ceerper. minima. wen admitted to his seat ea Whig this meal oath on the asaa.„&:lo.lopmeed slew neeethe .a„,, a. dremirela Mx sod bee. .. .a..411a.. moll rePOOlO.B ...

HOUSE OF Co3lllo2lB.—MounAT

... professed not to understand the Bill. He understood, he said, the Bill of 1832, which was an act of vengesnoeon the part cif the Whigs against those who had kept them out of power. He understood Mr. Bright's measure, and knew how to meet him; but be did not ...


... the world would be anything the better for the exchange of Derby, Stanley. Disraeli, Bulwer. and Pakington for the eternal whig clique of the Woods, the Greys, and other kindred incapable.. We doubt it much. ...

[Tuesday, April 12, 1859

... business of the state, we are convinced that the country would gain nothing by a change from Lord Derby's government to the old whig bungling of the Russells, the Ellices, the Woods, and the Greys—the great professors out of ollice, the shams and do-nothings ...


... VALID; Or The of lberonia! Th. eons.. 0 Limn* Whig land 'vane.. are WIN honarad thy : eto fertile in beauty. Their deeds eire thy poems. soo golden green ' Their &Ey thy There 61s kt diner And In spite sltadon. the edit bee. Then tntsaii the sky. To gather ...

Pa* ill

... than we a frets Paris thig as minim at is one with Nerds *en will have to be • essogLoisdk Ire me my As* wshope this may to ft Whig mina a moo sissomeatioe, nilyht be OM beyy/ ef which Berme snlb In And - wiy the Coo- be Wm teem et a econandly ' ef hardly ...


... together, but very Vpily, 1111 to lint meg, when dalendsat again ears to publish them publiehed eel a somplete break up at the Whig it to bear the of Ids wife. He therefor, sold at his furniture mad ether properly to dos • sheet Ids wits bided him. It I will ...

Give we, ell other tbe In to r le wipe freely, to onselesee.—Ydr.e. A rins of advertisements and of

... mere party cry—of any mere party pretension whatever—can satisfy a people become politically wise by the delusions of mere whig and tory nomenclature. A plague on both your I houses. is fortunately more or less the popular 'esti' meat. The country has ...


... had still trusted to those ineuthess were only like the whole liberal party of the outintry.velto were prepared to trust the Whig leaders. He (Mr. Banks.) remembered once at a country fair seeing • man put down sovereigtui on after another on the table ...