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Daily News (London)

We may take it for granted that the American Senate has voted for giving notice to suspend the Convention with

... or subservient to the attitude of America. The repeal of the Cornlaws was, of course, to propitiate it. The failure of the Whigs to form a Cabinet was for fear of affronting America. And the Ministerial difficulties remained still uncleared until the ...


... sea, known as the Armed Neutrality of the Northern Powers. Addington from the first disapproved of Pitt's junction with- the Whig dissidents, who, under the Duke of Portland, had separated from Fox, when that eminent statesman quarrelled with Burke on the ...


... speculators of the constituency, who want railway man. The Tory party speak of bringing forward Mr. Glyn, the banker, who is a Whig. As they cannot get their own man, they will find one for us. WARWICKSHIRE. Two Robuf.ries the London and Northwestern and ...


... while he said he desired to be personally respectful to Mr. S. O'Brien, he must designate his assertion of the existence of Whig alliance as a mischievous and complicated falsehood. A petition in favour of the Dublin Improvement Bill, sow before parliament ...

The struggle between reason and feeling, the -ofessors and the sentimentalists, between political and humanity, ..

... currents and counter-currents, political chiefs have lost their course, and been whisked into each other's places. Thus the whig* were the parents and guardians of political economy. Peel, if anything, is a humanity-man. His vels of sympathy for the lower ...


... interest Lord C. Townshend, lliinham-haU, will, at the coming election, be exerted behalf of Messrs. Coke and Hammond, the whig candidates for West Norfolk. This will be point gained the liberal cause, his lordship the last contest having suppported Messrs ...


... who for many years was a member for this place, will be brought forward by the liberals. There is, ho vever, a section the whig electors, called influential, who disapprove of Mr. Bernal, and th have intimated their intention to bring forward gentleman ...


... ELECTION INTELLIGENCE. Anglesey.—Two whig candidates are in the field for the representation this county —the Hon. W. O. Stanley and Sir Richard Williams Bulkeley, the former the sitting member, the latter representing the Flintshire boroughs. Sir Richard ...


... favour of Mr. Headlam to defeat Mr. Hinde, against whom the opposition is chiefly directed. Mr. Ord is very popular with the old whig party, so that Mr. Headlam has two verypowerful opponents to encounter. New Ross.—Mr. J. H. Talbot will start for this borough ...


... recent determination, and come forward agein. Cornwall, (East). —The Falmouth Packet says Mr. T. J. A. Kobartes, moderate whig, will succeed Mr. Rashleigh as the representative of East Cornwall. CHUISTCHURCH.—Lieut.-Col. D. Campbell is in the field on ...

So far as the elections have yet gone, two points seem established; first, that the influence of corruption has ..

... in the boroughs. Still, even in counties there are signs of such resistance. North Essex will probably succeed in returning whig, and in rejecting Sir John Tyrell's Irish nominee. In South Essex Sir Edward Buxton, a liberal, is mentioned as likely to contest ...


... represent them in parliament. Speculation is rife as to the probable results of this movement, as it is not known how the great whig landlords will look upon this attempt to introduce a stranger without their having been consulted. As we intimated yesterday ...