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Dublin Evening Post



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Dublin Evening Post

Evening Pop, T U E S D A Y, Aug us t 4, 1778

... and welfare of Ireland. will affert, that there is not a well-wilher to liberty, and his countryâ??s profuerity, among the Whig members of the elfablifhed church, but Ihould vigoroufty that partial policy, which would give power Popery, and weaken the ...

Published: Tuesday 04 August 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 7265 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

A T U fc D A• Y, Aoa us x 8, – – > * – ! i – -- – ■ i , i : – '» ■ ~ ■•.•»• * i

... may then cxjrei't that unanimiiy ami population ,we hive long been wilhing for. vVe mult not fay, init hi* M-j—ty it a good Whig, and pregnant with Revolution principles; though it is reported, that the glorious memory is not a favourite toall at St. James's ...

Published: Saturday 08 August 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1165 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

A Pleaiing Situation

... bungling of miniflcrs B-te) at tlie litlm. Difcontents, and the peace ot Paris, which palled all underftanding, followed. Our Whig nobility and gentry, who might be depended upon j whole venerable progenitors had effected the glorious revolution, and iecured ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1164 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Oil’d Silks and Bathing-Caps,

... indifference or thipid inattention our moft important interelts. When the Popery-bill was in progrefsand agitation, why did not the Whig Protcftants unaniinoufly inftrurt their rtprefentatives to it, and at the fame time lay their apurehenfions refpefting it at ...

Published: Saturday 22 August 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 7537 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

U E S A Y, Augwft 25. articles Select'd from the Papers publilhed this Morning. DOMESTIC NEWS. Kilkenny, Auguft 22

... attended to, the midtt his illnefs.and means to go fea direfjly, Jet the of his health be what it may. So ardent is this gallant Whig Admiral tofave the honour of this nation, andpunifh the infolence of our enemies. It has been the of the Minifter to choofe ...

Published: Tuesday 25 August 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2240 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Plarter of Piris^

... let for patriots yet the Tory mniiiiers v cluiie commanders to ixecitie their fchernes, tarry their vsirious exploits! Thtfc Whig commanders eagerly embrace this' profligate mirvttirj', aVid their followers glory iff the lublerviency learfers the tnaeb ...

Published: Saturday 05 September 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2623 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

SEPTE M B E k 10,

... 1748, and 1763, pafled all underftanding; it laved ‘our enemies, and gave us not- adequate recompence. Had a wif« and honeft Whig miniftry pub* lie affairs at the peace Paris, the French would not now have dared interfere in the dilpute with our own fubjefls ...

Published: Thursday 10 September 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 797 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

DUBLIN, September 15

... fleet and army. DIED, At Rome, Allen O Reilly, Efq; of Miltown, county Meath. %* vfr ’vudl-intended fram h.x\ Inde- - pendent Whig, to his Grace the Lard Primate, may he, it it now rather unfeafinable; —-fa much has alreadf appeared, to the fame purport ...

Published: Tuesday 15 September 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 303 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

A Courtier’s Political Creed;

... double portion the oi! his confectation, when crowned. j I believe in he •wi/ilcm and -virtue of all his Minifters, Scotch and Whig and Tory; hecauli. bad they not ' able, upright, or men, hrjf of Pi ss would never have advanced them. 6. >t arc ambilTidors ...

Published: Tuesday 15 September 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 994 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... attempt if, with the afliftance of hafiening, concurrent events, her purpole in a mure way. • is no lets true tl remarkable, that Whig Lords and Commoners whobavebeen moftly in eppotition to adminiilration, have been the mod attire and atiemive in their military ...

Published: Tuesday 15 September 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1427 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

pa, R Utters of undoubted authority from Germany L l 'hat the King has broke his the, and entirely

... with »J>gh. •* Shall I freely communicate my opinion ? It is this. in my confcience believe, thatyoui Tory Mtntfitrt employ Whig Admirals and commanders, for no other pur pole than to dijgrace them. They tie their hands, as that they cannot aft with vigour ...

Published: Saturday 17 October 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1001 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

and prepares tlie way fr*r iheir difrrace. is tire fyftem of the prtfent reign in England, to e

... oppolilion frenn A copy his inllruftions Ihould lie moved for at the meeting of Parliament. All parties Ihould agree thrs. The Whigs, thai knowing the infttnfiiors, they may fee how little it was in the.pOwwr of their Admiral to perform. And tire Torres cal ...

Published: Saturday 17 October 1778
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1243 | Page: 3 | Tags: none