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SUFFOLK. THE Creditors of ROBERT CREAM, lateof Ccdilenl.jiii in the coun.y of Suffolk, who hate net aheady ..

... iperjwiththeCourt and Poor Robin's Almanack L'tiy ktgiiler, containing Seafon on the Seafoni - complete lids of tnc Peers, 'i'ycho Whig's Almanack ihe McmiHsriofthg HoulS ' White's Coil (lia! Atlas j or, of Commons* as newly New Eplmn.-ris. .elcfttd, and vaiious ...

Published: Saturday 15 November 1783
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12393 | Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

C ALF-DON! AN HUNT. a T Kelfo the ;6th of Cftober, the fedlowiiig Members were ?? Jf^ j'or the cnfui'lg

... Sitiiiltrland, in ballaft; Providence, Rois, for 1 litii, v.ith finidrts; Bttfv, Mitchall, for Prefton Pans, in ?? Vii-., Whig!::, Cor i-orrowftowmiel-, in ditto. T O B E S O L D. \ I ndidme BAY MARE, fix years Old.-— She goes remar-ably fall, and ...

Published: Monday 17 November 1783
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5349 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUF F 0 L X SUFFOLK, Ibt Central Ifyarttr Stffttm -j tbt Peace tf tut ?? 1. rdgn I.aditt King,

... lament the lofs of your confidence, as it affesls myfelf, I feel a more fcrious concern Jor the confeouence of that lofs to the Whig inter eft, which tny family -teas in this comity brought forward to ftpport tn the year 1768, and which now Jeems threatened ...

Published: Saturday 01 May 1784
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10169 | Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Creditors of Samuel Lucas, deceafed. THE unfatisfied CREDITORS of Samuel Lucas, late of Leek, in the County of ..

... all above the laft nominated Price, took Place on the ift of September ; which additional Duties muft be ad- ded to the foils whig Prices, of fucb Articles as come withjn the Defcription ofthe Aft as being Medicines. Adams's Solventfor the Stone, | tl-.e ...

Published: Thursday 13 May 1784
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5030 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED, AN APPRENTICE to a BOOKSELLER and BINDER. > for further Particulars apply to Ogle and Smith, ..

... Great Britain and Irtlar.-l. jt3» Hints. of Sobjefts for Engravings, adapted to the abov* Plan, whether from Ins^ or Obts, Whigs or Tories, Perfor.s of Diftinftion, or Perfohs without DiftinAion, willbethank- fully received and duly attended to. ?? The ...

Published: Tuesday 22 June 1784
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11908 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Gregorian - Society. *T*HE Anniverfary of the Ancient end Honourable -*■ SOCIETY of GREGORI ANS, will be held ..

... tec. in Great Britain and Ireland. & Hints of Subjects for Engravings, adapted to the above Plan\ whether from Ins, or Outs, Whigs or Tories, PerfoM of Diftinction, or Perfons without Diftinction, will be thank- fully received and duly attended to. *»* The ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1784
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13600 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE REV°- Mr CLEEVE PROPOSES, about the middle of November, to open tvvo PuitLic C-AS3-S : one for Englifh ..

... Isi- 1_ day '.lst- iel day of October t-.i14, at eleven o'rlnc* ?? About i'-e sve ?? -f BARI KY, BEANS, r.s.t! PiiASE, tin whig wiili.ii the lics.if'ssc'.n thewefi lisle o; the Whitening ?? Isvcline tJ Ais.l;j. a:,..„i -i-sc, Acres, -si POTATOES . -i ...

Published: Saturday 25 September 1784
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9726 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

SAT U RDA Y, March 12, 1785

... North's Coach, and the Coachman drove a full Gallop all the Way to the Crown and Anchor Tavern, where Mr. Fox, and the red of the Whig Club had ordered a Dinner. A great Part of the Multitude followed the Coach, in which Mr. F’ox and Colonel North were, and ...

Published: Saturday 12 March 1785
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2415 | Page: 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Warham, Potts, and Smith, FACTORS & WHOLESALE IRONMONGERS, LANDS -LANE, LEEDS, REfpei-t.ully return Thahks to ..

... Granihmi, hy Mr. Hartley'! Blind Horfc, which Mare ?? Ihe IVim ol Babrani ; his Great Great Great Grnndarii w*s Old Flylni Whig, a Daughter of die Wnodilock Ara'iinn, and Slilol -pidtr and I'oints, two fnmous Running lloifes at Newmarket ; his Great Great ...

Published: Tuesday 15 April 1788
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13645 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

M I L I T I A. North-Riding! ATOTICE is hereby givtn. That the De- Of r f f b-ieutenants

... Gteat Grandam, by Mr. Hartley's Blind Horfe, which Mare wai the Uam of Babram ; his Great Great Great Grandam was Old Fifing Whig, a Daughter of the Woodflock Arabian, and Site Of Spider and Points, two famous Running Hoifel «: Newmarket ; hi! Great Great ...

Published: Tuesday 22 April 1788
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13531 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds