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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... from Londone. Freedom, Pinche.n, from Wilbech. )floldernefs Packet, MAtlingham;-,5. Goad tatent, Edmonds; 166th from Lynn.- Whig; Saul; Sea..Dag, Anes,both fr-nm Yar- mouth, Montague, stsvtnfln, froam Leith. Peggy, Libbon, ot. Ipfwch. Martha, Ticket, from ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at Felix-terrace, Islingtoni, Elizabeth, wife of isr. Henry White, maity years proprietor anrl IEditor of the Indeptendenit Whig. During the ulrl period of Mr. White's hiu .areerati,,t iii Dorchester gaol, tdis ex- cellett woieltl poatielitly shiured with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Lbviannadeenfl and Holland Whigs-who have heen th isto raise themselves into importance by lire ~ nat tO!'tr plocarty-r('lbcla between the Premier i *i s s h erytis attempt has 'not yet suc- hot e~it is hoped lby thie refuse Whigs that they 'ewe' the Duke ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mastrried the widow of Lord Ponsostby, who is also deceased. Throughout the period of his extended life Eerl litzwilliam Was a firm Whig; lie was appointed Lord Liesitessant of Ireland in 1794, but was recalled front the Vice-Royalty in three months after. wards ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... irtstlutiioni vii hh Itiok lilacs in 15,133, owing to thic st[1te of Iis health. ?? ploliticeite, lie w'as rostsietclic Whig. Ott Wedlnesday'.' reel, at hlis hocuse iii Vork, eged , 1 711,is. ' (Gos;;41, lEs'. of' hiorj' Archi IHatll, iii this cenrl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4ilq- I Here, then, wvise disciples of the Vitigs, is an end to all your anticipations of,, eallp bread trom the hands of a Whig Cabinet. The destruction of your Itupe is finall; foriftie present state oftheagricultural interest will not bear a change ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fond of music, and a connoisseur of some taste. VULGAR VOnACITY.--The Times thus des- criber the impatience of the hungry Whigs at the late Edinburgh dinner:- Tiedinner being a cold one, and therefore already laid on the tables, it seemed to offer an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... few toi ellhcg n metthemr at Cooper bridge, to conddo tst B road, they had accomplished ;heir purpos si' Zr ' cer cells a Whig trick, and ?? the tbe promacslon. The villaie *also enti a ipy OD ?? st g' D eairly iaformsation, and the rabble immeditely ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FIELDEN'S motion. This course meant the getting rid of the debate altogether, and was a course even too tyrannical for the Whigs to adopt; h ever as grand stffoles paralyze humble ca- pacities, we wait for the development of the Hon. Member's design, which ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... obtained by pertipacious dis- h honesty, procures for them. During this period of ythe public inactivity of their patrons the Whig and - Tory Scribes are glad of any god-sendwhich mary be d bandied, like a shuttle-cock between children, from g side to side ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Matthias Whitehead and John Rand, Esqrs, of Bradford, upon the Commission of the Peace for the West-Riding. Mr. Whitehead is a Whig, and Mr. Rand a Tory. BRADrORD CHURCH IVIISSIONARY ASSOCIATIOS(.- On Monday evening last, the friends of the above Society ...