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SIR, The following One was written fome time ago, in the County of Norfolk. If you think proper to infert

... Us, puny authorlings, conceal, Whene'er he ftrides acrols us.. Shall he fo wife, fo good, fo big, . So true a Very, true a Whig, Apollo's favorite child ; Who wrote hene's matchlefs lays, (Yet bade the Doaor wear her bays,) And as he wrote he Imil'd. ...

Published: Thursday 27 January 1785
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 174 | Page: 8 | Tags: none


... the molt contemptible idlenefs and folly. But is not this con_ chiding from the abufe againft the ufe ? As the Independant Whig, and other writers of his tramp have done againfl religion itfelf, becaufe of the bad condua of Come of the minifters of it ...

Published: Thursday 29 September 1785
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 174 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

~r~=`' •- Wl7 oppofite to him, had granted too much, that therefore Great Britain fhould accept of nothing that was

... Parliament bore univerfal Tway at that time ; did he not know that the expences of the war had irritated all ranks againtt the Whigs, who were the foie oppofers of the treaty ; and yet, that very Parliament who had been purfuaded into the groffeft abfurdities ...

Published: Thursday 28 June 1787
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 1846 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

:~ Mrl l ~• ments he advanced, were lillened to with much attention ; and we regret being incapable of

... wrangle between Lady Leadenhali and Lord Coniroul, whale differences the Houfe were to reconcile. Sir James pronounces hidifelf a Whig, 'and therefore he was an enemy to extraordinary . power, which, though, it Ihould come in a wig ten tiines larger than that ...

Published: Thursday 31 July 1788
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 914 | Page: 6 | Tags: none

POET's CORNER. NO'T'ICE is hereby given, that Sealed Propofals of Contrail for the following Week Fort Williams ..

... the brief, arOngfrom five afh on bit part pa I not be an available plea far non-performance of his Engagement,. Seventh. The Whig of Salt Peter on each boat pall not lowed the pioportions follonving. Aids. loco 4 6-at of t ,200 Bu tben. goo do. ,1 oo do ...

Published: Thursday 22 January 1789
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 2642 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... warm contefl, attended with much diflutbance and perfonal oppofition, the latter fuppotted by the a,' live exertions of the Whig party, carried the election by a majority of 823 votes. All the Bengal (hips of the 141 feafon hi arrived before the Swallow ...

Published: Thursday 29 January 1789
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 3112 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

f- P L E TO tHE CA.LCUT T A G U P ww.....••••• 1 ••••••........ LONDON, DEC. /7. 1788. DifiUjiOn

... euuftvely. 'I his is revolution d,ctrine, my Lords, this is my cloarine, though 1 da not purrs myfelf a Whig, though I am cot a member of the Whig Club, not have I fubicriba to the intended policico•patnotick °beta that to at Runney • Neither. my Lords ...

Published: Thursday 18 June 1789
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 3349 | Page: 5 | Tags: none

To be L E T 4

... were added the names of Mr. Fux, Mr. Burke, and Mr. Bellamy, the father of the Club. It was then moved and refolved, that the Whig Club do, from their fund, independant of their voluntary individual fubfcsiptions, order the turn of five hundred pounds. After ...

Published: Thursday 18 June 1789
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 1950 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... e Crated to Extraas fr74s the EitglO Papers, November V. CENTENARY or THI REVOLUTION. WHIG CLUB. Yefterclay being the centenary of the glorious Revolution, the Whig Club, which boafts of numbering among its members the lineal defcendents of thofe illuftrious ...

Published: Thursday 18 June 1789
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1635 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

– I

... mind of a farcolic by Swift, that though he would not fay that every Wh.g an Infield, yet he woad fay that every Infilel was a Whig; and with equal truth he would obferve, that in the tunes he hal allut:l to, though every Jacek* might net b: a Hie't Churchman ...

Published: Saturday 07 August 1790
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 8599 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... Chiuna-Balabram and from thence to Bengalore. Iliad, al Crane-. Mifiellameous Extraas from Mt Weft Englzjh papers, WHIG CLUB. The Whig Club of Dundee tranfmit:ed to the French Arahafrador at London AR Addrefs to the National Afrembly of Frame, which he ...

Published: Thursday 10 March 1791
Newspaper: Calcutta Gazette
County: West Bengal, India
Type: Article | Words: 539 | Page: 1 | Tags: none