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... M1nday, . 7,- M-t4stolne. Sulssex, I;tonpiay,; ?? ,4 - 1-Horsham;' Surrqy,: Wednesday,-; 7 i6, -Kingston-'onTha:.' 74a ihe ?? Whig Irn'ereit -f the' C'ounty ef Sufo/l. : , amsor y yto' eai n,'at. t moment 'tb ?? 'of ' -England are coming into po'wcrthat- ...


... the appellation of CINNA, is extraied from thn new ]Plitical Satire entitled 1 Torio Whigg) Machia; or., the Battle of the Whigs and Tories.,l Him potished France had taught with subvtlest art To lill the reason, and surprise the keart X Greece %with rude ...


... and'upon the degra datin to which the Whigs of Esigland were fjllen, its bsig obliged to follow in the train of an-arrogant Minister, and to suppost a Tory Cindidate. What a derelidlion of priocipie th't the Whigs should aliy themsefvei 'vith .'ie Grenvile's ...


... seassion' aacd azad Sei-na h end of eacb renew~~ ip oiebxls abe~fr'h et u at then moment tihe 'oIronto eb'een hrevls ~'and the Whigs, h1it1l61 ua~ cngdw t h os ?? lar e had'so ofen sttnyjtegdhnlT~ prosecuit. this enq'uiry, anzufdta t ol rce olr.C dthor. All ...


... to AistIerdam ,is' 6 ~'tfte1'e2Lel.,. 'IheTwee G eststers, Dc '30er, front Londor to Tonxiihgen, is lost off Scheveling. The Whig,- laul, from Loidon to Newcastle, is taken ahd earried int:) Helvoet .s Potrs3MouTI,, MhIAcru 3-.Capt. Brown, cue of General ...


... William Geary, as a p'erson more likely, on any occasion when Ills con- science might be called into ac ion, to vote with the Whig Interest, than Sir Edward Knatchbull would be, who stood entirely on the Ministerial Interest. This condition, however, was ...


... acquitted the defendant' Chapman. Upon the t' subje& of these trial; the present Defendants pubrishcd several, letters in the Whig of the x9th and 24th of Jama .nuarv, animadverting in the, most .violent and intempe.. t5 rate langage upon these acquittals ...


... Informatino ;aginst the deftentali! for pu!,- hishilg a lihel upon Lord l ienborough i an ecbl oier, ralted The Indepowdent W'hig: -but ilr. *Ju'tice CGo'r, previous to the Jury beinzsworm, informed Ilir. CGlifoid .of Counsel for the TDefeidaiits, trat ...


... THE KING V. WHITE AND t14RT. This w2aS an indictment against the defeindauts, the' Edi- tor and Printer of the fdepeisdent Whig, for inserting a libel upon Lord Ellenborough wiih a view to injure his bamrgeter as a Judge and as a Peer of Parliament. The ...


... LAW. ' ?? COURT OF K.1NG'S 13ENCIL. Salurday;. Ja~t;Y 2S SENTENCE OF XT'r. PrnOPRIfTOn AND PRIXTER OF, TrlN INDElPENDENT WHIG. The ATTORINVP-GENERAL moved the Judgment of the Court on? the Proprietor and Printer of the Inde- pyndent wfiar, who stood convicted ...


... dp to receive tlie ju.'gment and sentence of the Court, for puhlishing certain Lbels il the Pa- per called the Independgnt Whig. Mtr J astice GiR oaS st s ted'tfie eviden~ce upon each of the tfiali. On the part of. the bhfendants severil aflidaivuts were' ...


... the defendants5 tlY d first as the Proprietor and Editor, and tbe s as ' d the Printer of a weekly paper, Caled the nd a e Whig, for publishing a libel UpOf Lord llesiburOe. a both as a Judge, and as a Peer of Parliament anti; it view to injure his character ...