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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England

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To tome of those Gentlemen, professing Whig Principles, who writhed severely under the lashing of the only two ..

... To tome of those Gentlemen, professing Whig Principles, who writhed severely under the lashing of the only two Candidates permitted to address you from the Hustings, and who yet vjtetl this Day for one of those Candidates—l say, let them ••joy thair ...


... different manner which whig* and lories exercised their patronage, pray observe that during the ten twelve years preceding the reign of the whigs. the torv administrations promoted to the bench in Scotland the’ following whigs, namely, David Cathcart ...


... the important decision ought to conic to. It was there objected to him, that was a Whig candidate. That title he held tie honour. Mr. Fox and Sir h. omilly had been Whig', ami Ikhoped be should deserve the title. The Hon. Baronet had said, that his being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And now for the fight of the Whigs and the Tories! To some an Elections is sweeter than honey, To others the matter a nuisance and bore is, To us the whole thing is extraordinarily funny-.. We Like the pitch in of the Whigs and the Tories. How suave are ...

No- 2,010. —Established ,4:ast-ui ding election \T MEETING of the CONSERVATIVE Interest, held thiv Day at the ..

... consider the announcement uhich ha* been made by a certain P-rtv, of their intention to NOMINATE, SECOND Candidate in the Whig lotetcvt, for the Representation Hiding. It was Rksoi.veo IWaxmottaLV. That the Parties determine, in such an event, to bring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oft e ..e44'N1r STAR, of SATURDAY Unlnary 5th, 1839 ?? be preieuted with. a finely executed ENGRAYVINTG A, lLLUSTRAtrVE OF WHIG LOYALTY n \ AND .IMORAL FORCE. THE ENGRAVING WILL CONTAIN PORTRAITS OF V.DWA1iD BAINES, Esq., M.P. ZDW4A3RD BAINES, Jun. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... result of the Vestry Meeting last week has n added to the many and deep mortifications which , both sections of the Leeds Whigs have lately had to endure. The rejection of their chosen ones by e the assembled parishioners, and the elevating of work- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Or LrNaOor. 1723. Viner, Whig .. 2584 } f Hickman, Tory ?? 2406 ?? ority for Viner ?? 178 1807. Chaplin, Tory ?? 1589 ) Pelham, Whig..1162 >.fajority for hsplin 641 Ellison, Tory. g48) ority for ?elham 214 1818, Pelham, Whig. 3693 Chaplin, Tory. 306G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of an Ark or In Island:C-atech iu,, on tie Coin Laws, ?? 2. iO TI-IE it E ED S OPERATIVES.- aU drFaLLbOW ?? are robbed by Whigs and Toriesi; u's robe to ofnoless a sum than the half of your ; Uyd Wages fo~r thke suppI't. of thle dignity of the British ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jiko a good fight,'ewixt the Whigs and the Tories Yet one seeks your sfg oe who deserves them, Who greater and-better tha aniy before is ' 0 . Nio splritof party prom suiting youa wervees them, For L^eOassTEnpleaoses the Whigs and the Tonree. 'XTis the firm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTORS, if you E would learn the real merits of the Corn Sugar, and Timber Question, and the effectthe Whig Scheme would have upon Farmers, La. bourers, Shopkeepers, and Owners of Money ill other people's hands, read AN ADDRESS To ...