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From the London Gazette, December 24. livery of the Woman of this Place, teem unwilling to give into the Belief

... in that Way. Whereas the General Officers -of the Army From our Portrmouth Letters, of the 22d Into whom the Examination ofthe Reduced Ofte- ftant. The Lenox failed out of the Harbour crs of the Land Forces and Marines upon', flalf laft Friday, and next ...

kill youself Days af

... with a good Number of Soldiers, are to of for En land with a fair Wind . Coaft along Sweden and Finland to oppofe them : As to any Jan .9. A Company of merry People getting together Operations by Land, tis agreed to poft the Regiments in fuch a chrift ...

Published: Sat 14 Jan 1727
Newspaper: Norwich Mercury
County: Norfolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 915 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

LONDON, April 11

... Xavier- Fraacisde Paulo J)hn Neopotnenecan- Alexander Ignatiuf- Henry Adam ; the Emperor (landing Godfather by Proxy. The Archdweheft, Governefi of the Auftrian Nether- lands, rewarded the pjge who brought her the News of the Prince's Birth, with a very rich ...

Published: Sat 08 Apr 1727
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1092 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... Trod, and the other a Shoemaker named Bruneau, gave them to i Woman to carry them to Rochevillein Normaridy. The Shoemaker in orderto know his Son had marked his Lin- nen and his Cap. The Woman confounded the Names of the two Children, calling that which ...

Published: Sat 22 Apr 1727
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1281 | Page: 1, 2 | Tags: none

LONDON, Augnft i

... beea neither a Proteftant nor a free Country. What the one could not compafs by bis vaft Armada at Sea, nor the other by a Land Army of 400,000 Men, might have been ef- fefted by no very greac Sum of Money, diftributed a- mong our Mercenary Wretches. Nor ...

Published: Sat 29 Jul 1727
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 2103 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

An Etigiui on the CORONATION

... chofen Chairman of the Com- mittee of irilh Lands belonging to this Cky, in the room of Sir Francis Forbes, deceafed. His Majefty has been pleafed to appoint Dr. John Hoi- lins Phyfleian General to the Army, in the Room of Sir H*ni Sloan. Robert Earl ...

Published: Sat 14 Oct 1727
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1323 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none


... Sotp/and carry it off. Orders fuve been fent to bis Excellency the Lord Car- teret, to gift Dircftions to the Officers of the Army in Irela id for the new Exercife of Arms fo bepradtifed by theH> i Dragoons and Foot in that Kingdom, as the fam* f iow ufed ...

Published: Sat 13 Apr 1728
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1222 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

To be Lett and Enter'd on Midsummer next, or sooner, if required, THE George-Inn St. Martins near Stamford, ..

... en and Cock-Pit. And there will be Let with the same, if desired, a Farm, containing Sheep Walk, some Inclosure and Arable Land and Meadow, all very moderate Rents. There is also to be Let at Wothorpe near Stamford, a House with good Stables, Out-houses ...

Published: Thu 30 May 1728
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 411 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

L 0 N D 0 N, July 16

... fhock'd at the News of his Father's Death, that he dy'd of Grief a few Days after. The Lord North and Grey, Lieut. Gen. in the Army of Spain, is arrived at Paris. We have the following Account from France of an odd Accident . that happen'd in Santa Maura ...

Published: Sat 13 Jul 1728
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 4422 | Page: 2, 3, 4 | Tags: none

From a London Writte

... From a London Written Letter, March 24. THIS Day the King wait to the House of Peers, and passed the Royal Assent to the Land Tax, Annuity, and Mutiny Bills. By two Mails arrived from Ireland we learn, that the late Riots and Tumults having discouraged ...

From the WhitehaN Even.. 'off, May This Morning the Lady Scudamore died at her Houle in Albtmarle-ftreet. ..

... l Tatton • (Colonel of a Company in the Firit Regiment of Fork-Guards) will be made Colonel of a Re&meet of Foot. • A Tub-Woman in Lukenar's Lane, follicited one How, a young Fellow, a Soldier in the Second Refitment of Guard, to marry her e and he at ...