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vpseporpgirgervi mr s t rpot, twittlei - 4 witittr)l6Art4D 314 thew oh. to :61. - ttiikatukaiili At the Court it

... Fire-Arms. . bit hoped to be., ,God,, only one Man and one Woman wastfrowqt..ickly fupplicei therewith; and then, 'twas nerd. If had not the Tettimony of Thoubcptd, they ce:l!d furnifh out an Army of finds that were prefen2 i - this Relation would _. - and ...

van Bail were drinking at a Chimney SWeeper's in Bun Alley he immediately went, taking the main Guard with him,

... were apprehended by the Sheriffs and Standing Army; and Vefter. day two more of the lame Gang were taken and committed to Newpte ; and 'cis not doubted but that the reit of them wiU foon be taken, the Army being in purfuit of them in all Parts of this ...


... Letters of Adrainif: Gold Rings, • and a Diamond Ring. tration relating to the Eftate of Sir Thomas We have an Account from Mary land, that the Colby, Bart. deceeied. The Counfel for the Houfe of Mr. Leuin Hill, near Anapolis, was on King are Dr. Paul, Dr. ...

LONDON, December 16

... that there will be very foon fume Regulation in the Affairs of the Navy, • as has been already begun among the Officers in the Army ; and we hear that among other Gentlemen, Sir Stafford Fairbone, the eldeft Flag Officer in the Navy of England by a jult Seniority ...

Published: Sat 13 Dec 1729
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1161 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

gre,e. in the RafiLL oAuhharn , whete tLere was Ycitcrday, as has betn atoictaid, a mighty .Spring of Water patting

... Barbican, was robbed of his Silver Watch 6 s. in Monty, by two Footpads in the Fie:di near Sir ohn Oldc4illes, who perceiving a Woman ceming tovairds them, obliged Mr. Puffer to be till the came up to and then they iobbed her of 2s. 6 .t. after which they made ...


... repofited, which remains as entire and as frefli colour- ed, as if he had been but juft dead A Woman pof- feffed with a Devil, was delivered from it : A dumb Woman recovered her Speech ; and a Child that could not come into the W*rld without occafionmg the ...

Published: Sat 17 Jan 1730
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1130 | Page: 1, 2 | Tags: none

nom tic ilvtifng Ptfl, M: y 2S. PlirH E New Ci,ul di .0.- Bloon.,:bury w ise conkccatca v,:y Ipi.Lfly, t'..c ..

... Commiffmn froni the French Court. Circular Letters have been lent by Order of the Treafilry to all the Receivers General of the Land-Tax in the feveral Counties and Shires of Great-Bripin, requiring them to tranfmit forthwith to their Lordfhips an Account ...

- ' ' With mofi Material Occurrences Foreign and Domeftic TUESDAY June j 1730 No lajl arrived the Mails from

... a he Ottoman Porte for a fuflicient Army to 1 Woman and a Boy got fafe the other Side himfclf again upon the Throne of Perfia 1 by help of the Horfes and Wool-packs but the for that End reprefented That if Time Woman is fince dead given to Prince Thamas ...

Published: Tue 23 Jun 1730
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1310 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... Piccadilly. The fame Day a poor Girl that was going Home with a newSoit of Camblet to the Change, was tricked of them by a Woman that got acquainted with her by the Way, pretending The knew her Mother; and after much Difcourfe perfuaded her to go of an ...


... Daily Poft 06tober 28. Yefterday his Majefh,'s Grant of the Denary of Uly to Dr. Peer Alix, void by the Death of Dr. Johu Frank land, p3fs'd the Great Seal. As did alfo his Majefty's Grant for the Deanery of Glocefter to Daniel Newcome, void by the Refignation ...

' Arcbbijfipprick vent wbichbe required of you was only Stroke if Ms Policy being willing in tufa tisfy your ..

... friddy night The following ftfarige Uncommori Piece of News was fent to us from Caine ill WiltlHire viz That big-belly ’d Woman of that T own having a gfeat Defire tafte of that kind of Fife called Sprats her Husband bought her a Quarter of a Peck thereof ...

Published: Tue 24 Nov 1730
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1616 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

U From the Daily Courant Nov. 30. Melancholy News by Letters from atther; A Commiffort of Bankrupcy having been of

... the Emperor conquered that is to be held here toward the Cloie of in Hungary; for which Purpofe he has ordeed 'this Month. an Army of 150,000 Men to march that ways Leghorn, Nov. 18. N. S. The Captain of and no Women arc to follow the Camp upon a french ...