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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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}5O Years ;-\g()‘ April 4, 1944,

... the school since Mr Martin joined the Army, was presented with gifts by the pupils. From the boys she received an electric table lamp and a book, while the girls gave her a brooch. Peterhead West Associate Church Woman's Guild held their last meeting for ...

BELDIE'S MAIK Another short story from the pen of PETER BUCHAN

... blessin! She even managed to hum a tune she had heard the Army playin’. But still, boys, the day wisna deen, for, along the road a bittie, Beldie met a spinster cousin, a sour, lonely kind o’ woman whose weekly practice wis t'tak t’ the cemetery a little ...

Magic, mayhem and super Superman

... ‘fruitcake’ of a woman, (played by Melody Anderson of Flash fame) they end up heading off on an Indiana Jones type adventure to find lost gold belonging to a group of ancient Aztecs. During the journey, they land in some deep trouble with Mexican army rebels, ...

Tellytext . . Tellytext by Briaon Adoms UJhat does the future hold?

... episode but it was all believable stuff. Last week's Wagon Train had the one about the Indians having ‘‘gotten hold of the new army issue rifles’” but who cares, the thing was done beautifully, though nowadays I'd want my cowboys to be more specific in indian ...

Flotsam and Jetsam

... mingling the carol services in the P'resbyterian and Indendent Churl the Weslyans will be in Candlelight, and the Salvation Army making music under the stars. Even the Episcopalians will be renewing the threads of their gentle persuasion; while the Roman ...

Magnifique! — That’s the castle wit e chateau charm

... settling loyal supporters on earldom lands. On 29th October 1454, the lands of Muchall and Stoneywood were formed into a barony and granted to Thomas Fraser, in exchange for his lands at Comton. Castle Fraser stands on the lands of Muchall and the Castle itself ...