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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of letter Lichbhe Mr Edward Dawkins. ' 'he gallant Colonel depar s been was educated at Rugby, and entered the a ton of the army in 1851. He served in the Crimean amon; rharge war, and at the ?? of InLkern - he were a tine was taken prisoner by the Russians ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... evidence led it appeared that accused had gone into Durward's shop and charged a woman, named Brechin, with watching -him,' and on !Drward endeavoering to protect the woman he was assaulted by accused, and injured as described in the libel. A number of ...


... evident by the in- vention of needlework, for who ever knew a swreet- I tempered and sensible woman who did not do some I kind of embroidery, or what woman ever rose to a emninence who could not new 1 It is, ala I one of the rnmeroms signs of degeneracy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of b cI Elgiuri, aged 00 years. 0 t MISSIONS 'To WONHEN IN HEATHEN LANDS.- S' -Ladies interested in Zenana teaching and in imparting I religions instruction to the women of heathen lands in ti *r which obstacles such as impede the work in India do A enot ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in Paris. An Italian workman named Careuta, agedG9, lived at 25 Rue Morand with a woman marned Adeline Viard, to wbhom he was intensely attaolhed. Some time ago the woman fell ill and ultimately died, to the great grief of Carenba. He wrn so affected by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e Station addressed to a Mrs Macbean, eilton of Connaae. The child got on well. A search after the mother was made, and a woman, BMargaret Macintosh, a native of Easter RoEps, was apprehended at Conon. She was tried on Saturday in Inverness- before Sheriff ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... impression that the husband was a labourer and had been in the army, hive lived for the last two months a very unhappy ani dissipated life in the top flat of a house in Nuneaton Street. When the woman was last seen, on Sunday forenoon, her husband was dragging ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... several h Ssof the neighbouring waters. Win. Chamberlain, tat awes Esq., Bellevuie Villa, landed two hiandsome salmon onl thl lucy Tuesday last on the Fife Armis Dee fishings. He wash ti nthe saense water frafew husdailybohn ha two F riday and Saturday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hung, together with another study of sheep grazing. She sketched chiefly from nature, and ill 1845 went for a tour in the Landes, where, however, she pursued her vocation untder difficulties, as the peasants dreaded some occult form of witcheraft or evil ...