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Advertisements & Notices

... a , shopkeeper, who says that he was at one time in d the habit of selling such boxes to a woman, who bought them to manufacture into fancy spittootn, The woman, it seems, used ro call at the shop accompanied by a girl, out there is a discrepancy af to ...


... with keen anxiety, and they may be here at any moment. * r ' ' 1• j lint while conceding that Charleston may ba attacked by land, it is just possible that thia attaok may be deferred for an indefinite period. At present, from all that I can learn, it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wales Theatre.-TheTwo Blinda; the Church. warden; My Cousin. Royal Court Theatre.-La Bearnaise. Rotanda Theatre.-A Silent Woman; Sweet InnisfaI., ZNew Star Music HalL-Miscellaneous Entertainment. Grand Theatre.-Variety Performance. ajon Opera Honse.-Comlo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Irrigating land in the most judicious lonanner, not less than one acre, a Salver Cup, value vaue. So 6 To the person Inventing ?? most useful Implement in *Heusbandry, a Silver Chap, value 31. 3w. Ta tile person draining tie greatest quoatity of Land in tilem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIMBER, marked IlL., now IT landing, ev Hillsboriough, (375) Captain Lamb, from Bay of Chaleur, viz',- 435 Logs YELLOW PINE, from 17 to 25 inches square. 30 Logs large sized BIRCH. Also, the CARGO marked 1.11., now landing, ex l Isabella, daptain ...


... confirmed the decision of Mr. Temple, judge of the Rochdale County Court, who few months since refused to accept the evidence of a woman who openly acknowledged that she was an infidel. The total number of deaths resulting from the recent colliery explosion at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... morem hadl r besuty strictly Americ:=n now recanisad ass distinct type. She was acknowledged to be the most fascin. ,atin woman at the Tuticries when Napoleon IIL was in his glory. The Countess ?? Castigline was the belie of Fz.s before xt, Vfsi sr aipead ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , by devoting one-tenth of their pro- perty to the sustension of a Permanent church. In India many officers of the British army, among others Major Edwards, the hero of Moactan, are cordially supporting the missionary cause. The ,,ative congregations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... living 21 in the United States was 140.years. This person was an 2( have Indian woman, residing in North Carolina. In the same 1I id the state was on Indian aged 125, a' negro woman, 111, twro have black females 110 each, one mulatto male 120, and several 21 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Girlhood, Maidenhood, Courtship, Marriage, Motherhood, Female Education, Woman as a Wife, Woman as a Mother, Domestie Medioine, &c. Itisatreatioa on subjects of vital importance to Woman. N.B. A Special Edition, beautifully illustrated by engrar. iigs on wood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Meadow Land. The proprietor purposes to lay under irrigation the greater portion of the Meadow Land in the ensuing season. 2nd., Singleton Town-end Farm, consisting of 200 Statute Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Laud. The Meadow Land has the benefit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from a plot of land in Wheelton aforesaid, on the northerly side of the road leading from Chorley to Blackburn, and which said plot of land contains 4170 square yards, or thereabouts, numbered 59 on the plan, and upon which said plot of land, a spinning ...