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Suffolk, England

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... It is easy for any one conversaint with our coll teral raryS libeiality to pelrceive the drift of his ?? He logs iii the army, the navy, aid the chrieh,, for no other reason, that we can conceive, than becanse lie is at all times the strenltoins deftender ...


... Abbey of Bury St. Edmund's and its lands were surrendered to the Crown, and unsder an act of par. hinment. passed in the reign of Henry VIII., these, wvitht other lands in the kingdom, continued exemnpt from tithes. Tire land, for some time, remained in thre ...

IPSWICH, Saturday, January 27, 1849

... the Earl of Norfolk arrives at Orford castle, with the offer e to De Vaux of the command of the right wing of the Eng- d lish army, then about to embark for Palestine. The fierce. 0 ness and subtilty of the Templar is at once developed; De Vaux refuses the ...

IPSWICH, Saturday, February 3, 1849

... D hood. It appeared that he had occupied some land under t. his father but as he wouid pay no rent his father ejected in him, and let the land to Benj. baniels, a grandson, whose O plough wasput on the land as a sign of posession. Soon S1 after the plough ...

Norfolk Assizes

... plan of part of a meadow and plantation on the Stanfield Hall estate, prad Potash form. The white part on the plan is arable land adjoining the former. There is also a drift way which is defined. The distance from Stanfield Hall porch across the loke to ...


... door, and a brother of the prisoner half way up the stairs with a stick. Ems passed the latter, and just as he reached the landing he received a tremendous blow on the head from the prisoner, who laid about most vigorously with a thick broomstick. The effect ...


... about the matter. When- ever Government order a training of nulitia it is always at a season when there is little to do on the land. Dur- ing the war, wien a militia force was kept embodied, a very large portion ofthe men of everycompanywere aJ- lowed and ...


... him to go below and tell ir. Knight, u nless the woman wvere immediately ordered out of the ship, I should report him next morning to Have you ever, since you have been on board, known or heard of any woman of improper character being admitted into the wardroom ...


... Now, the lands in question were situated in Nildenhall o Fcn. When the Tithe Commutation was about to be! carried out for that parish. the defendant, wtho, for a C long number of years, had previously Paid tithes, con. ti tended that his land was esempt ...


... to take a portion of the plaintiff's land. and in 1S41 an acreetment was entered into between the Dock Commissioners anti Mr. Byles, by which, in cons;deration of Mr. Byles allowing the cownii.sioners to use his land and construct the works. the earnniiscioners ...


... H. Mills and Mr. Marriott, instructed by n Mr. Jennings, for the defendant. t This was an appeal against the removal of a woman named Cossey from the parish of St. Nicholas, Ipswich, to Ufford. Mr. Mil1s said, he believed thatnot only the notices on both ...