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Advertisements & Notices

... April, 1846. To Professor Holloway. Sla,-There is at present living in this city a Serjeant, who had been for many years in the army at Cabul, in the Ejst Indies, from whence lie returned iR September last. Ou his way here, from the change of weather of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 12th January, 1870. 109 - DRYPOOL. r LAND TO LET BY TENDE R. NE CjLOSE OF LAND, abont Ja.. 1r. 2p., '0J opposite the New Gaol, formerly in tillage, but since Used for brick land. And also a Piece of FOl1E>. SHORE LAND, opposite the said Close, contalining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -'THE TIGHT ROPE, By Mr. ;WOOLFORD, the 'Pilifli Olympian, who Y'will alfo ptrrfornm hi ?? oni TI-IEMOVING LADDER, Where he (lands upon the fop, and Dances corre,4l ly to ary tiine; being-the only man in the woald manler of that aflotilibing performance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... injustice and inconsistency, that they want rea- son.,, This high-minded woman has created an influence which defies calculation; she reduced that impulse towards the education and ?? woman whicho ther writers have ?? Review, April, 1841. London Cleave, Shoe-lane; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... injustice and inconsistency, that they want rea- s This high-minded woman has created an influence which defies calculation; she produced that impulse towards the education and independence of woman which other writers have developed.'-Westminster- Rexiew, April ...

ses Milne. —.' CORRESPONDEN TO THE EDITORS PF THE LEEDS ME! . Address } freign allow me to draw the

... on the Bes } Commission, another on the Bel Presid the present Commission, Judge Mathew, ished for h | most eminent in the land, distin (corner rity and judicial qualities, has followed the p n-street). | 10 nce with every precedent to be foun (b) The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ani all that Close or Parcel of Land or Groon, , adjoining the same, called or commonly known by th nrt Same of the Ing, and containing altogether, by Survey ed about IA. 211. 141'. re Lot 2. All that CLOSE or Parcel of LAND, situat o- in North Bierley aforesaid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £2,000 ready to be ADVANCED on A ortgage A Land or Houses. Apply to Mr. Oharles Bulmer, Solicitor, Albiona street, Leed.. D 3404 0 SEVEI1AL large and small SUMS of MONsY ready for AD. S VANCE on Mortgage of Land or Buildings. Apply to Mr. Richardson, Solicitor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the men themselves if possible, to pur. chase the land together, in order that, as they were companions in adversity, so they may be brothers in their comparative prosperity. The allotment of Land to each man will be Five Acres, upon which, by industry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the County of York; of Mr GEORGE WILKINe- Box, of Hull, Land Surveyor; and of Mr G~o. SAND- J rORD HARRISON, Solicitor, Riohmeoll, Yorkshire. 181 Richmond, August, 1857. Re Hi IFREEH OLD LANDED INVESTMENT NORTH BURTON, IN THE EAST-RIDING. MIi T OBE SO0L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Grass Land. The above Premises adjoin the Wind Corn-Mill, at - Ellerby aforesaid; the Hull and Hornses Railway J touches the corner of one field, and the proposed Rail- way Station at Ellerby will be within three minutes' r walk. 11 Part of the Land being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thsm from Clergymen of the Church of England, many from distinguished issenting Ministers, from gentlemen connected with the Army and Navy, also from Members of Parliament, Merchants, and last, though not least, from members of the Medical Pro- fession ...