Our Arm Chair, —— AN OrriceEn AND A GENTLEMAN.—A cornet of hussars, who was not so polished in his mianners

... market, when vating hoaute anld. * 1 aves AN Irisn Comprimest bonding her heal ovor a rose-tree from an Trish hashet woman in ( the woman lookiog Lindly at the yer pridon, vouue kade, bat if in's pleasing 1o ye, I'd hank you 1) keen vour clieek away from ...


... would have disbelieved the existenco of such a prineip!o in the present day as that \'.'hirh’-vilurvs that the sufferings of a woman, already alimost broken hearted Ly the discovery of the blackest iniquity in a husband she had never snspected of erime, shall ...


... place amid ¢ far off fields and waves!” No,—she felt herself to be the Chureh of a land on whose dominions the sun never set, and as the faithful w.other of that land, through all its vast domains, she yearned to streteh out her arms in order to embrace ...

NOTICES TOO !)IJlH.'Nl'O.\'l’i;’.\'Yfié’,

... perplexity of our foreign relations.” The official jonrnal, the Washington Uniony contains the foilowing : — “In faect, our army in Mexico has already been Targely reinforeed, Tt isascertnined by the latest accounts from Vera Craz, that several thousand ...


... from the land, the wrinkles of age were seen | to have established themselves where the dimples of boyhood should have played, and the round and comely forms of ehildhood have given place to the attenuated fizure of premature decay, so that the land seemed ...

i 2 | TR Our Avm Chai, e ODE TO NOTHING BY PORSON, WMyterlous Nothing! how shall 1 define TG

... returned to Paris, among Lis friends and telations, who lamented the singular infiomity he unfortanutely brought with Lim from the army. Bauresard expressed only by sizns; the physiciaus were sent for; he refused their assistance. The captive King was at lenzth ...


... llnr.; and desk \lu-'r:- |ihcu rvpmm-;]. FEOR 4 dßhg . i X s said, ¢ 'y ure plae e custody much so, that the better grass lands present a most beau- | :.l;:t.;;:.h;;;‘ it' ”1':'.:'11::30 u::x' ::,’:.“,1,,,;mbfl.f ‘“‘:I appearance ; indeed, there ...


... yet with resolution, at leaving a land in which they felt so little seenrity, and so mueh sorrow; and yet these people have turned their backs upon millions of acres of better land than any fo be found in Canada—land stiil lying as nature formed it —rich ...

mperial Parliament

... calling on the | measures for ¥reiaad, but should not OPFW‘M present Around Bletsoe Castle runs, with the exception of an | landed proprietors of Ireland to eo-operate with | bill; it was milder than he had expected. He believed, intervening space appropriated ...

Our drm Chair

... hias been “our,” and the rase of this woman was mevtioned. This led to Turther n.:nn. and the facts haviug been stated to the recorder, the learued gentleman immediately seut an order for the discharge of the woman, who was so mnuch affected on the In ...

Gur Arm Chair. b DOUBLE SUICIDE IN MARYLEBONE. SUDDEN DEATH OF COLONEL PlilißbliS._ On Taexday, at 11 o'clock, ..

... He had formerly been in the army in India, and sowe time since in the E division of police. Some other immaterial evidence having been adduced, The Coroner, in summing up, remarked, that with regard to the deceased woman there could be no doubt that ...


... pecuniary contributions, as well as otner valuable and ornamental property.” We must say that if it be the practice of successful armies ‘to impose upon the conquered valuable and ornamental property,” we, for one, should be very sorry to throw any obstacle in ...