Tmperial Pavliament,

... encourage the outlay of capital upon land in Ireof his age. He entered the service in 1703, per- | passed within the memory of living men (hey:‘ll;l baen ‘ ‘.”th: unfortunate quarrel which had taken place be. | land, by providing compensation in ease the ...

Qur Avim Chaiv,

... seas in gold would require 4 fleet of twenty-five ships, of two hundred aud fifty-two tous burthen ; or it might be carted by land in twelve thousand flve hundred and elghty ouc-horse carts. These would exiend in a procession of thicty-five miles. Or two ...

Jompevial Parliament, –

... year the amount of land force for the defence of this country and its dependencies should be fixed at 113,847 men, exclusive of the men employed in the service of the East India Company. He entered into a very lucid exposition of the army estimates, for the ...


... AND NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Aanron-vnun-l,rsz, July 23.—This evening & verdict of “ Wilful Murder,” has been returned against a woman named Jane M‘Lane, and a verdict of ““aiding and abetting in the said murder” !lms been returned against a man named William ...

i Pavliament

... committee, and was ordered to he reported coramer for North Essex, and o jury, | on Saturday. The parish of Wix, where the woman Mary May | THE BUDGET. resuded, who was exeeated at Chelmsford Gaol | The House then went into Committee of Ways iow weeks ...


... impediment, * 7 have anotker vweife!” cried the notion-dealer, Feymare Beaviv, — The physical quality of highest importance in & woman viewed as a mother, is health, The human body is eemposcd of a variety of organs, each having @ particulyr function to perform; ...


... intends to vacate his seat early in the ensuing session, INcreAsE oF THE Ispiax ARMY.—We understand that orders have been transmitted to India for the increase of the native army. Instead of augmenting the number of regiments, which involves a large and eostly ...

General Xewa,

... viewed, when R, ils. The army Is &so | buthne g if he wished, The wor Ry 4S > and wastein e parish, an | Bruotict, and & death-like stiliness p!nl: Bm; he pulls the |oobs 10 the magistrute if he being | mow Iyving open T ich lands, by being = “t‘;-:lroj ...


... damages. would divide the House on this its first stage, THE Army ESTINATES ron 1849-50.—The esti- Mr. Law retaived the opinion he had expressed upon | mates of the effective and the non-effective army serthe last bill ; for the preseat measure, though pretend- ...


... Christian e'er would wish to blot, But virtue's purest sentinents abound. Dt thou art gone, thy labours all are o'er, Gone to a land of peace and joy ; Thou with thy harp will never charm us more — Now higher, nobler themes thy powers employ. Where art thou ...

Qur @vm ChHatr,

... —A deaf person, by watching ‘the motions of a speaker’s lips, can understand what one is saying. We have heard of a Quaker woman who was deaf, who used to go regularly to meetings, and, without hearir‘-!i a single word, could report everything that was ...