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Examiner, The



London, London, England

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The Examiner

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Way: she lent it oat in mortgages, and there are very few landed proprietors in the empire who are not her debtors. She discounted bills, sold gold, disposed herselfof the immense produce of her lands, and it is even said that, having visited France some ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 66th year of his age. He entered the army in the year 1803, and after serving with much credit he was placed on the retired list of the Rnyal Artillery. He became Equerry to the late Duke of Rent, his wife being Woman of the Bedchamber to the Duchess. In ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and extensive landed property by his eldest son by his first marriage, the Hon. W. H. F. Denison, M.P.:for Scarborough. LraUT.-GaNERAL C. G.FALcoNaEK.H., died at his seat atHazelbanir, near Edinburgh, on the 10th inst. He entered the army upwards of sixty-four ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Moot of her suns west itot the army. After the death of her husband, aboot twenty-five years ago, she removed to Belfast, atid lived by the sale of pork-steaks, and ether meat of chat kind, and was always a reakbyative woman, until about four years ago, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Greenwich West. Cholera was fatal to two men, aged severally sixty-six years. on the 20th, and to a woman aged twenty-six years on the 19th. Only one person, a woman, in- cluded in the present returns, had attained the age of ninety years, Last week the births ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... large landed property in England. In addition to an only son the countess leaves five daughters. MAJOR-GENERAL NEPEAN died at Dover on the Sth inst. He was the third son of Sir Evan Nepean, first baronet, and was born in 1785. He entered the army early ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... enter' d the army at the early age of 16 years, and distinguished him- self greatly in the whole of the Peninsular ?? Packet, On the ad inst., at Anen, the Marquis of Mata Florida, President of the Re- gency of Urgel, in isegand General of the Army of Faith ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... consequence of a young girl's father getting her married by the Rev. Mr Kennedy, though Father Cretty married the same young woman to another man the previous day. This affair will be the commencement of a suit at law, in which there will be a desperate ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... was a relative of Earl Grey, and returned some two or three years since from the command-in-chief at Bombay. He entered the army in 1798, and served in the campaign against Tippoo Sultan. He served with the Stis Fusiliers in the Peninsula, particularly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Quarter- ?? at the Horse Guards, which office he retained until nominated to the rank of Brigadier-General to a division of the army in Turkey, and served zealously and indefatigably in the brilliant operation consequent thereon. At Balaklava his division ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of Sir T Stepney, Eart. MAIot-GENERAL SIR T. H. FoTLAms, ?? died at Tetsworth Oxfordshire, on the'5th inst. He entered the army in 1825, and commanded the 10th Regt. in the Sctlej campaigns of 1844, 1845 1846, including the battle of Sobraon, where he ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... grazing ?? to those enterprising agricultnrists who are spreading their docks andl herds over all parts of that great southern land. On the 2Sth ult. at his house, near Winkfield, Lieutensnt. General the lion. Sir Henry King, l.C.B. I-le was brother to the ...