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....---_..._ _ . twit,. of Canterbatic A a. V I -:, but yet el •- . . , Worlhipful Dr

... whereupon his Prositor appearing, termined not to interfere in the Affair of Po. alledged, that li4 Lordfhip was not Obliged to land, it has been refolved to fend a Minificr to appear according to the Tenor of the faid ,Lita- COnftantipople s to notify to ...

From the London jai. ij: itialiii, foci carried . in a Chair to his IS. • . 9t. Mary-hill, he

... Ea* nifon late araop thereof. Scffions. Hague, Jan. 20 2 N. S. The States of Hot- We hear that the Hon. the India Comierny land having now under Confidcration the repair- arc preparing to apply to Parliament for Tome ing the Dikes in North Holland, which ...

10 Malay received it Noon the Cortiplinients of the Nobility, Foreign Milliners, and other Per. ions of ..

... repealing the a gainfl Wl•ches and Wizards. A - rephefy of Mother Shlpton. IV. P01i..; ccal Poir tr. Seamen's Opinion of a (landing Army. E. cf Clarendon fulpeded. Story of King 111. Oli fieadinefs in Princes. Neceffity cf a (lunge in the Minirj, try. Advantages ...

And on Thutfday Night I Soldieiof the Foot: „Guards being in Liquor, quarrelled with a Drawer of the Cardigan's ..

... Motive of affembling fuch Armies on the Rhine this Spring, both on the Part of thr Emperor and that of France, is to •drive King Auguftus out of Poland and reinftate King Scaniftaus. Lord Delawar is co repair upon his Landing in Holland to the Courr of ...

The Kentilh 'EDNESDA' Poitor Canterbury News Letter. Y June 30, to SATURDAY July 3, i 736. . (N° I 946.)

... Charlton 01 Wiltfhire to thc Threthers of that Village, by the Lord Vtlcount Palnsertion, who has given Money to patch& a Piece of Land, the Produce of which is to be laid out in an Annual Entertainment on the yoth of June, for ever, in Commemoration of Stephen ...


... recognizing had been obliged thereby to turn all the Strength Thamas Kan' for Sophy of Perlis. The of her Empire, both by Sea and Land, agamft fame Courier brings a Confirmation of the War her declared Enemy. being declared againit Rua, in confequctice Fifteen ...

Prom the London Daily PA &c. 9: • 'Tis raid that Commodore Matthews wid Laft Friday Morning the Right Honourable

... near the Church, and ftands very convenient fos any Gentleman Gra.icr that ufes Land it Romney Marfh, together with a Barn, Stable, &c. and 30 Acres of Arable and Pafture Land, the major Part of which is planted with the bell of Fruits juit come in PerfeEtion ...

• • I • • • _ Taeldsit kit yos,tot Yards of Litien William Dicey, at Dr. gateman's Wntellooli

... W---n, Elq; Sir W.--m y-- ge , and Sir C---s W--r againtt it; with the Numbers ois the Divilioni %Ablutions with rerpeft to the Army. Motion to addrefs for a Reduaion, with the Numbers on the Divi Iron . Report of the Commiffilners of Greenwich Hol . pital ...


... of an enterprifing brown Malt 16 to Peas is Genius; but lays, he could not flay away from Tarts I 4 i I. to 7 I. i s, the Woman, that was the Caufe of his belng taken at Canterbury, and that h.'s, Fate de lard N.H. Sold at the Printing-Office, it fo. ...

Eait ofTIY four Seaford,

... Detachment of 5000 Ruffian Troops, and took from them a Convey of 400 Waggons, which they were concluding to Count Munich's Army. The Ottoman Court were fo elated with this Succels, that Notice was immediately given of it to the People, by a triple Difchargc ...

which excited the Catiofity of t - creditibte Tradefman in that Neighbourhood, not inclin'd tcl believe thofe ..

... years of Age, Tenant to the Right Hon. Robert Earl of Kildare, and living on his Lands of Ballycurraghan, was married to a Girl of 18. Mr. Newton was a Soldier in the Army of Oliver Cromwell, and retains moft of his Scares; his Stomach rather encreafes ...