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From the General Evening-Poft, Jan. 29

... and Orchards, and many other Cooveniences ; WI :h One Hundred and Twenty Seven Acres of Land; of which, befides Shaves, there are Fifteen of very good Wo 4. land. Enquire further of Mr. Norwood, Attorney in Faverfhiun, or the Rev. Mr. Willis of Throwleigh ...


... vol. about Twelve o'Clodc the Woman that it by fame means was of her Misfortune, and happedd to be lamenting it at a Time when the Right Hon. the Earl of Pembroke pats'd by, who flopt his Chair, and being inform'd by the Woman of what had happen'd, be i ...

[N° soil:

... [N° soil: have an Account from the Ti le of Ely; that the Rains have overflow'd their Arabic Lands, infomuch that the Farmers arc depriv'd from lowing their Seed Corn to anfwcr their ufual Produa. Siturday South Sea Stock was los. Ditto Old Annuities ...

to SATURDAY April a. t7;7

... Figure in that Capital, and captivates the Hearts of his Subjeas by his Prudence and • Cleinency : 'Tis added, that the Perfian Army polled 'at Casbin, is upon the Point of marching to Candahar, to give Battle to the Brother of the famous Merryweis, who heads ...

Samuel Tanen, :trfq; iS tO *fail the Maj foil's Work in the intended Bridge at WeAmin-

... to Sr. James's to Dinner. , His Royal Highncfs gave two Guineas to two poor 'Joys, about 'font Years old, Twins, who were !landing at his Door at St.latnes's. write from Cambridge, that Mr. Weft They is chofen Butler ot Caius College with the Approbation ...

To be Lett and weed upon at Michaelmas pest, A Farm in ..the Para of Harrietiham mar Maidflone, containing 260

... Michaelmas pest, A Farm in ..the Para of Harrietiham mar Maidflone, containing 260 Acres of Arable, IVlcadocor, Pattura and Wood Land; with a Limc Kiln and fome Hop-Ground. Inquire of James Barham of Harriettham. GEORGE RENCHER, Painter, now living at Robert ...

. . • in the Neighbourhood, file ran raving like a Woman to his Affifiance, and fell furioufly Tooth and

... . . • in the Neighbourhood, file ran raving like a Woman to his Affifiance, and fell furioufly Tooth and Nail amongft Thicken of them, who dating the Treatment from her, threw her in, to bear her Husband Company and cool her Paffion. The two ...

24, to SATURDAY From

... from Norwich, that the Beginning of last Week a Woman of St. Mary's Parish poisoned herself with Ratsbane, and died on Wednesday last, and was buried in the Highway. We hear likewise from Ipswich, that a Woman near that Town was bit in March last by a mad ...

_ deacon of St. David's; and Ftiaor of Sc. Mary's in that City; a young Gentleman univercally beloved by all

... the Lord Mayer bath been pleaed to publiea Pkotlamation. Omagh, Aug. 17. The other Day a Min of So 131 Aga was married to I. Woman ol 76. She had been 4o Year: the Wife of a former Husband, but Chddlefs, which was a grest Concern tojser. Before (he married ...

(N° 2075.1

... Gene.; ral of Foot, &c. will be appointed Governor of Guernfey, in the room of General Sutton, deceafed. On Friday lafl a Woman about 40 Years old, was found drosined at the New-River-Head. She had on a firip'd Stuff Gown, and in her Pockets were found ...

IN° 5077.]

... accepting Peace upon the Con-', ditions already replete& In the mean Titre a Refolution is taken to 40,00 e Men for augmenting the Army under Count Munich, which it is propofed to do by taking one out of every la s %bird:, in the Empire, including even the Clergy ...

, • . -- troth dr - We heir from %Word 41 Ireland, that she iiabsposse-COuitrfift. 9. His Willy has

... arc lately arrived from Royal Exchange, that fomc Dutch Men of War the Imperial Army in Hungary, affirm, that that h.tve taken fix Spaniel Ships in the Weft-Indies, by Army is diminifhed to half the Number it was at way of Reptifals for the Depredations ...