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. . . ' . . Mr. Williain Qulrringtoit gist' es the' following ActOnikt of Me doord, but Mrs. Adams

... UN, end left me; firearms, that if! made ike I kind and that the Woman was peeing my Pocket. there had been a Pique, or a Quarrel between the ite, row and' wil Thilatt n'Y teaft Woman and him; but upon his tellin I y very uneafy 'till about 9 or io the ...


... been refilled to be paid, and Copper Mine on the laid Land. the Difpute may poffibly end at Weilminfter. They have received Letters in the North of Ire- From the London Daily Poft, &c. Nov. 9. land from Scotland, which give an Account, that Some Propofais ...


... Evening-Poit, Dec. 31. A few Days ago a Woman that fells Poultry had her Pocket pick'd in Leadcnhall-Market of twelve Guineas, as the was buying Goods in her Way of the niglets; the mifs'd it immediately, and charg'd a Woman who happened to ftand dole by her ...

From the London Evening-Pon, Jan. ;z

... Bender with an Army cf Men, while Count Lacy with another Army endeavours to penetrate into Tranfilvanta in order to join the Emperor's Troops; betides which, the Ruffian Flotilta will make a Diverfion on the Coati of the Crum, and land tome Trocps ii ...

1&, [N° 21291

... in Scotland-Yard, the Form that the Women fat on broke, and an old Woman near 90 Years of Age broke her Leg, who was immediately carried to the Hofpital at Hyde-Park Corner. Another Woman who had juft put the Parks with twenty Shillings, the Silver Pence ...

IN° 213s]

... Petersburg, March 25. This Court continues to make great Preparations, in order to our Armies taking the Field early in Spring. It is faid, that Felt Martha! Munich's Army, which is to conf:11 of 943D3 regular Troops, and 4,30 Cotfacks aid Calinucks, will ...

From the !Ando Evening Poll, May 9. :

... Douglafs, Brother td the Earl of Moreton, the King's Hand, on his taking leave to go a Voluntier in his Imperial Majefty's Army againfi the Turks this Summer. And this Day that Gentleman fet out for Holland, to meet the Earl of Crawford, one of the fixteen ...

From SATURDAY May i,co WEDNE.sDAI May 17. 1738

... Water for the Army on the ISJa Initanr, hiving laid afide his going to Marien-Zelle, on account of the great Snows which arc lull upon the Mountains of S. ina. Count K •ingfegg defigns to follow his Royal Highnefs on the 22d Initant by Land; fo that they ...


... Shoreditch in the County of Middlejex. An AI to enable the Adventurers, Owners and prietors of the 7axal.'le Lands, and the Owners and Provietors of Free Lands in Deeping Fens, and other Fens in the C sinty of Lincoln therein mentioned, to a competent Sum of Money ...

Ern be GreerAl Eie n

... ding. Dated at Canterbury the 2)th (4 J inc 733. TH9 iIAS D irlS, Mayor. lo oe Lut THREE Hundred an o Fotty Acres ot Marila Land, ging to fevcral LandJ .rds, in fiveral Parcels, late in the Occuplion of Mr. liarti.ol. To k. y, deceated. 11,quire of Mr ...

To be Lett, or Sold, now or at Michaelmas, Pri,vo Dwelling-Houk% two Gardens, two 0 iffs, A' and two Subic%

... A Sea-Fight between Admiral Blake and the Dutch. 54. Cromwell takimA Tredagih in Ireland, where he put to the Sword, Man, Woman, and Child. Is. The Battle of Nactwich 16. Sr rho. Fairfax, with his Forces before the City of Oxford. 17. The Engli(hfetze ...