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Y Genedl Gymreig



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Y Genedl Gymreig

Newyddion Lleol

... diweddaf, ao dan lywyddiaeth Mr E 1dward Jones (W.) Cymerwyd rhan yn y gweith- rediadau gan Niss Ioberts, Mr Solomon, plant y workhouse, o dan ofal Miss.James, Alaw Eryri, LEvan Davies, so eraill. MARWOLAETH DDISYM1vrH.Bydd yn ofidus gin lawer glywed am farwolaeth ...

Published: Thursday 08 March 1877
Newspaper: Y Genedl Gymreig
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2828 | Page: 5 | Tags: News 


... Wiri.W. Hughes, Bodvel Bach iE. H. Owen, Shop Crugan; John Davies, Prior; 1. E. Roberts, Plasynrhyw; J. Y Watkins Union Workhouse' John Parry, Bronereh n House, Fourcrosses' Griffith Williams, Tyddyn-y- r Berth; - Hislies, enlleehog; Miss Evens, Penlon ...

Published: Thursday 17 May 1877
Newspaper: Y Genedl Gymreig
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1799 | Page: 7 | Tags: News 

Advertisements & Notices

... q 544 c HOLYEEAD UNION. HE Guardians of the above-named Union ad T1are desirous of receiving Tenders for supplying the Workhouse at Valley, for the hix months ending the 25th day of March, 1878, with Meat, Bread, Groceries, Milk, Butter, Clothing, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIURSE 'ANTED. ;WANTED, by the Guardians of the abovo-. 7 V named Union, a strong, ?? as Nurse for the sick inmates of the Workhouse. Candidates must be single women or widows with- out encumnbrance. Salary £20 per amnum, with lodgingsanudrations. Tbe person ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. WANTED, by the .Guardians of the above- Y named Union, a strong, active Woman as Nurse for the sick inmates of the Workhouse. Candidates must be singlc women or widows with- out encumbrance. Salary £20 perannum, witi lodgingsand rations. The person ...


... gymorth lie y bydd arngen. Llyw.-- vddwyd gan y Parch H. Davies, y gweinidog-. Cymerwfyd rhan yu v cyfarfod gan Miss Jones, y~ Workhouse, a'i chwmini; Mieistri E. D. Jones, W. G. Williams, E. H. Jones, J. J Robe, ta (A Cadfan), E. H. Owen, 0. Thomas, Tryfalaw; ...

Published: Thursday 11 April 1878
Newspaper: Y Genedl Gymreig
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 5468 | Page: 7 | Tags: News 

Y Senedd

... Enrach, ecii), yh dilya 6i alwediga6th yn Chwarel y iPnrhyn, dl3et careg i lawr o Bouie Jolly Fawr, r o;bder o tea 60, Booo y Workhouse, lie y tarawyd y dyen alffodW5 yu ei goes, ao y torvwyd hi i ?? oddiwr tlil gorph. Cludwyd ef i feddygdy y gwaith, IIG Y ...

Published: Thursday 04 July 1878
Newspaper: Y Genedl Gymreig
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1445 | Page: 6 | Tags: News 

Advertisements & Notices

... Union, beingdesirous of entering into contractsfor the supply of the undermentioined Goods or Materials for the use of the Workhouse thereof, rduring a period of six months, from the 30th day of September inst., hereby issue public advertise- mernt of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2bNevin. 1jOLYHEAD IONL)-TENDE tS EOR 11 PRlOVI-l'N, &C. All pcrson s desnoesns ot OntaCting wit the Gua for s pplying tbe Workhouse at Valley ior Six Months, tronm the 25th of Soptomber, with tifollowig articles, viz.:-Bread, Flour, Beef, Msteon, Suet, ...

Newyddion Cymreig

... Jones yu 31ioffordd. ' Heddwch i'w lweh. GwYh DE.-Nos Sadwrn, anrhergwyd Ysgol Sul i.finffordd, yn e ghydag Ysgol Sul y Workhouse, a thhe a bara brith. Gwasanaethwyd wrth y byrddau a gan araryw foneddigesau yr ardal, y rhni nii raid i iddynt wrth ganmoliaeth ...

Published: Thursday 27 March 1879
Newspaper: Y Genedl Gymreig
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 9022 | Page: 8 | Tags: News 

Advertisements & Notices

... at their Meeting to be held on Saturday, the 26th day of April next, proceed to Elect a Master and Matron for the Union Workhouse. The joint Salary will be £60 per annum, with rations, washing, and anl ,rtments in the house. The persons appointed must ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at their Meeting to be held on Saturday, tbe 26th day of April next, proceed to Elect a hlkter and Matroin for the Union1 Workhouse. The joint Salarv will be £60 per aununn, with r ations, washing. anld apartments iu the house. Tile persons appointed must ...