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Advertisements & Notices

... Widow without encumbrance, to fill the above-mentlonod office at the Pembroke Unibn Workhouse. Salary Xi15 per annum, with board, lodging, rmid washing in the Workhouse. Candidates, who must be able to read and write; must apply in their own handwritiig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... poceed to the election of Master and Matron foratheir Workhouse. The salary for the Master will be £46 per annum, and for Matrat £26 per annum, with the Usual 1o0ging and rations in the Workhouse. The appointmenuts will be made subject to the approval ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POTATO ES, COALS, and other articles of consumption, for the St. Asaph Workhouse, during the quarter ending the 25th of September next, are requested to deliver at my Office in the Workhouse, on or before Wed- nesday the 17th of June instant--staled tenders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per ton, delivered at the Workhouse, Cd COFFINS & SHROtDS.-For the several districts of the Union and Workhouse. The Coffins to be made of J- inch Deal or Elm boards, well-seasoned. CONVYVANCE OF THE DEtu.-From the Workhouse to h whichever Parish within ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Contracts for Provisions, &tc.E A LL Persons desirous of Contracting with the A Guardians of this Union for supplying the t Workhouse until the 24th of DaCE1midll next, r with BREAD, FLOUR, MlEAT (Bone to he con- r tracted for separately), GROCERY, CHIEESE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F U N I O N, ft3d WORKHOUSE MASTER WANTED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Guardians of the Cardiff Union will, at their meeting lb tobe held on SATURDAY, the 11th April, proceed to 1 ELECT a MASTER of the Union Workhouse, who must 1 be fully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &c. CARNARVON UNION. Conitracts for Provisions, sac. A LL Persons desirous of Contracting for the AbSupply of the Union Workhouse, ior Three Months, with RItEAI) PEAS SUGAR FLOUR. RIUCE MAILK OATMEAL BUTTER SOAP M.IFAT TEA COAL ClI.El-SE COFFEE And other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Widow without encumbrance, to fill the above-mentioned office at the Pembroke Union Workhouse. Salarq £15 por annum. with board, lodging, and washing m the Workhouse. Candidates, who must be able to read and write, must; apply in their own handwriting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONTRAMTS FOR PR3Vt,'ISIONS. TC. A LL Persons desirous of 'Contracting with the A Guardians of this Union for supplying the Workhouse at Ptmnxhyndeudraeth from the 29th day of SEPTEMBER 'to the 25th day of MAROH next -with Drapery Goods, Ready-made Clothing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... medical aid I could possibly procure till my meanS were run out; and wvith a sad heart I was compelled to come into the workhouse hospital where I now am. I haiL been in here 18 montls, and my legs graduallygot worse. I began to think they would never ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -MINISTER AND HIS SERVANT IN AID OF MARPY J A NE GITTINS AND HER. INFANT CHILD, Nor? Inmates of the Cardiff Union Workhouse. See Report of. Affiliation Proceedings, Western Mail, Cardiff, -March 29, '.8833. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Daniel Owen, Esq., J.P., Ash ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Contract for Provisions, &e. &~e. A LL Persons desirous of contracting with the A Guardians of this Union for supplying the 1 Workhouse, from the 25th day of June, 18t6, to the 26th day of September, 1540, withl Bread, Flour, Meat, (Bone to be contracted for ...