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Advertisements & Notices

... The convict Garish, now lying in Derixes Gao], 59% under sentence of deada for murdering Stephen 20% Coleman in Devises Workhouse, is to be executed on Monday nest, no hopo of a reprieve being s? entertatncd. H? preserves stolid and unmoved 86% demeanour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICES, &. for, m fARDIFF UNION WORKHOUSE. ti ~ '~JTO ARCHITE CTS. The Goerdnans of the Cardiff Union, being desirous of providing hr 'ad aecommodatios for a larger number of iuinatee theoc is afforded Ibyuthe present Workhouse, hereby offer so PREMIUM of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 25th day of September, 1870, to be held on FRIDAY, the l5th day of December, 1076, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Workhouse, Bridgend. Dated this 4th day of December, 1876. 16081 EDWARD JONES, District Auditor. v IPLEMENTARY EDUCATION ACT, _ r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the above-named Union for the making of a Main Drain at lJAnerchymedd. Plans and Specifications nmay be seen at the Union Workhouse, Llanerchymedd on any day (except Sunday) between the 12th ana the 24th inst., from 1 to 4 p m. Tenders sealed and endorsed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ash, January 29th, 1877. 51 RIfKHOWL L UNION. w C - . -di llUlSE WANTED, fir the WORKHOUSE. Salary of iE20 per annum, with Board, Washing, and Apartments in the Workhouse. Her duties will be thoseprescribed of by the Poor-law Orders. She will also be required ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cowbidge-road, Cadifi. 1927nrl9 RIO(HOWVZLL U$1ION. CT The Guardians of the above Union reeuire a PORTERI for their Union Workhouse. Candidates must besingle I MDfe n, werful build, and not MuoZa than 46 Oears of aCC yte. PHC rtopidtequired to perform the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... said she went to - the prosecntor's house because she thought ber husband was there. She had no' money, and Objected to the workhouse, -Mr Haden Corser told the prisoner that the only way to deal with such people as her was to keep them from drinkasolong ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARMING STOCK IN WALES INSURED AT 3s. P-En CENT. or Public Buildings, such as Churches, Chapels, Schools' Hospitals, Union Workhouses, Banks and Savings, th Banks, Railway Station Houses, Town and County bh and Market Halls, Prisons, &c., insured upon mode- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... afternoon, when such olaim, if correct, will be discharged. By Order, T. E. PARRY, Clorkito the Guardians. 'Board Room, Union Workhouse, Conway, August 21st, 1885. NOTE-The Act 22 aud 23 Yict., can. 49 enacts, . That all debts, claims, or demands, which shall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... That Accounts against this Union mast be sent to 'my Offile, in the Workhouse, on or before Monday, the 27th day of June instant, and'that I shall attend at my Ofice in the Workhouse' aforesaid, on Saturday, the 9th of July next, between the ;IS 'honrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. day, NOTIC'E IS IERBBY GIVEN, that the Guardiani of the Neath'Union will at their mecting tobe holden at the Union Workhouse, ieath, on TUIMDAY, the 3rd March next; at 12 o'clock at Noon, procded to the Appoiutmant .of an Industrial Trainer for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *-rovisions and other 6 Articles for the Workhouse during the ensuing 0 six months. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Forems of Tender, &ac.- 2 may be obtained upon application to the MR, ter, Union Workhouse, Valley.-By order 3 JAME3 E:. HUGHES ...