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Denbigh, Denbighshire, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... supply of other Groceries ; Butter, Buttermiilk, and Sweetinilk, and other articles of Consump- tion, for the St. Asaph -Workhouse, fromi the 30th day of 2 December instant, to the 20th day of March next, both inclusive, and for the supply of 2 Pieces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the said Union. ted copy of the roposed Bye-Laws will con- t m po hispeforl oion by ly Ratepayer, at the 1 n of the Union Workhouse at Saint Asaph, tl# le of the School Attendance Committee, for one a 'sn tbe dateof the publication of this Notice. - thlie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Election offt steady, able-bodied Man, single 'or and without encumbrance, to till the office of Porter at the \Ir. Workhouse-a Tailor or a Shoemaker indispensable, but the 0 former wlll be preferred, who will be required, in addition __ to his other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for the appoint ments of Master and Matron of their Workhouse at Ruthin. The salary of the Master will be £40 per annum, end that of the Matron £30. with rations, washing, an& apartments in the Workhouse. Canditates must be husband and wife not exceedinz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... That Accounts against this Union must be sent to my Office, in; the Workhouse, on or before Monday, the '23rd day of June instant, and that I shall attend at uly Offic*, the Workhouse aforesaid, on Friday, the 27th day of Juve instant, ,between the hours ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for the appoint ments of Master and Matron of their Workhouse at Ruthin. The salary of the Master will be £10 per annum, and that of the Matron £80. wita rations, washing, and apartments in the Workhouse. Candidates must be husband and wife not exceeding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... separately) GROCERIES, BUTTER, BUTTER- act MILK and SWEETMILK, PEAS, and other articles of Con- sumption for the St. Asaph Workhouse, from the 20th day of of September instant, to the 24th dayofDecembernext, both in ,nd elusive, are requested to deliver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... that Accounts against this Union must be sent to my Office, in the Workhouse, on or before Mondzy, the.24th day of June instant, and that I shall attend at my'Office, in the Workhouse aforesaid, on Saturday. the 29th day of June instant, between the hours ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' yn rhad yn unrhyw Lythyrdy. rd00 RUTTHIN UNION. 1ENDERS invited for ALTERATIONS .1 of the Vagrant Wards at'the Ruthin Workhouse. Plan and Specfications to be seen at the Board Room, Itutb in. Tenders to be in on or before the 17th February, endorsed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stating 'g rr and aeeonpanioed-by testimonials, must be sent tisiy office iti the Workhouse, on or before Wednesday the 18th inst C andidates nmust attend at the Workhouse on the day o . elidtfonr at l*''clo'k; but ao travelling or other expenses will A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dustrial Trainer for the Union Workhouse. Candi. dates must be single or widows without encumbrance and'over 21 years of age. The duties arc to take charge out of school hours of the boys and girls maintained in the Workhouse. to see that they are kept clean ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIVE'N, That Accounts against this Union musthbe sent to my Office iw in the Workhouse on or before Saturday, the 29th Instant, )s and that I shall attend at my Office in the. Workhouse Afore- . said 01n Satmrday, 5th April next, between the hours of 10 and ...