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Advertisements & Notices

... appoint a MASTER and MATRON of the Union h- Workhouse. A matrtiud couple, without incumbrance th will be preferred. Tile joint Salary will. be £42 a ir year, with rations, fire, candles and residence in the n- Workhouse. The persons appointed must understand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... attend at my office at the Workhouse, on the 15th day of October next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when such claims, if correct, will be diseharged. All articles of food supplied to the Workhouse must be pure, and the same wviU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Coals and Slack, anesd other Articles of Consumoption, for the St. ?? Workhouse, during the Quarter eniine 24th of' December next, are requested to de- liver att lly oflice in the Workhouse, on or before Thursday, the 16th (lay of bepteniber instant, at 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUNE, 1853, at 11 o'clock in the Forenooen, proceed a to the Election of a MASTER and MATRON, and t a PORTER, of the Union Workhouse, in the place a of the present officers, who resign. The Candidates must be of unquesrlinable charrac- ter, and conversant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1878, to the 25th day of March, 1879, for supplying Bread, Flour, Oatmeal. Meat (includingF Meat for the Sick out [of the Workhouse by Medical I orders), Suet, Grocery Cheese, Butter, Oatmeal Flour, I Clothes, Shoes, Bedaing, Coals, Soap, Candles, Soft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F UND mel e-INAID OF cc oD. M A&RY JANELI GITTINS a tic LL TI Et INFAIN T CHILD i1 l_ Now Imncates of the Cardiff Union Workhouse, hln ?? Report of Afl~ition Proceedings, Western Macil, as Cardiff. March 29, 1638. ad SUBS8CRXIPTIQNS. oh Dan MOwen, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Union, wfill,tst thdir Ueeting to be held at tbe 6oard Room, at the Workhouse, on Saturday, the 11th day of Novew her rest, proeeed to the election of a Porter for the Utnioni Workhouse.*; 'Ths salary w .11 ee g2O per annam with Rations, washing. and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICERl WANTED. T HE GUJARDIANS OF THIE ABOVE UNION will at their meeting to behleld at the Board i R~oom, in the UJnion Workhouse, St. Asaph,-on Thursday, dil ehe 2nd day: of June next, -proceeed to the election of a noi R~elieving Of iicer for the Abergele ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Election of a MWASTER and MATRON for their Union Workhouse at Merthyr. The Salary of the Master will be A 75 per annum, and that of the Matron, ;635 per annum, with the usual Rations and Apartments in the Workhouse, but no Beer allowance. A married couple without ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Werkhouse from the tttday ?? ?? tttothe24th of March next, both inficsive, are requested to deliver at my office in the Workhouse, on or before Wednesday, the 2ist day of Decem- ber instant, sealed Tenders with Samples of such articles required as sen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INVITED FOR Alterations, Repairs, & Draitnage Works, at the Workhouse, Ruthin. , )LANS ancd Specification, prepared by Messrs. J Doug'as & Co., Chester, to be seen at the Board, Room, at the Workhouse, Ituthin, between the eours of 10 and 6. The lowest or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOOLMISTRESS. r1TIE Guardianls of the Wrexham Union do r .i-hereby Give Notice that, at their Meeting, to be held at - the Workhouse, on Thursday, the 3rd day of November. ti they nvitl proceed to the Election of a SCHOOLMISTRESS & 'for the Workhouee School ...